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Friday, May 03rd

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GGEDC celebrates National Economic Development Week

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This year, Economic Development Week is to run from May 7-12, 2018. The goal of Economic Development Week is to increase awareness for local programs that create jobs and increase quality of life. Economic Development Week was created by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) in commemoration of its 90-year...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF MAY 14

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On May 15, the New Moon emerges in Taurus. This is an excellent time to set lofty New Moon goals. As you know, this is generally a time to reflect and wind down before we gear back up for another cycle. Madame G recommends that you take a look at where you are. Pull out a pen and pad of paper. Don’t make things worse than they are, but “spring cleaning” is in order. GO!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

What’s one thing you’d change about the past three months? Instead of making BIG life-altering changes all at once, consider slowing down and taking each day as it comes. You may have noticed that you spent too much money over the last three months, or maybe you didn’t focus...

Ants work, a short story

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When my son Johannes was between two and three years of age I would put him in our wheelbarrow and give him rides around our property at Apple Valley Ranch in Tijeras New Mexico.  One of my favorite things to do with my son was to stop and watch ants busy at work. As Johannes and I would watch the busy ant activity I would point to the ants and say “ants work.” I knew that as a two-to-three year old my son didn’t know what I was talking about but I kept up the practice until he could repeat it himself.  Over time I would explain to my son what I meant by saying ants work.

Ants are some of the smallest life forms on earth but their collective accomplishments are legendary across...

WESST workshop teaches essentials of marketing success

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Employing tactics without a strategy is like hiking into the wilderness without a map, provisions or a plan. Yet many novice and veteran business owners take this cart-before-the-horse approach when marketing their product or services, often with underwhelming results.

As a marketing consultant for the nonprofit economic development organization WESST, Mark Gilboard helps entrepreneurs reach and attract customers by first identifying why their business exists in the first place.

In May, the veteran marketing and advertising research professional leads a three-part workshop to help small-business owners develop a strategic foundation for their marketing message. “All three of the...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF MAY 7

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Does it suddenly feel like you’re on an episode of Arrested Development? Don’t worry, you’re not crazy. This is just life. Madame G recommends that you don’t judge anyone. ‘Adulting’ can be difficult, especially if you get stuck in the details of your family’s eccentricities. Instead, liberate yourself. You’re the master of your own universe. Be the hero you deserve. Be you!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’re an inspiration and a gentleman (or lady). It’s important to remember that you’re capable of more than you think. Talent is a double edged sword. It can help you get ahead, but it can lead you into complacency if you don’t continue to challenge yourself...

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