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Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF APRIL 30

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On April 29, the Moon will enter Scorpio while the Sun is in Taurus. You may notice shifting of the familiar—this may cause disruption. Scorpio’s influence will promote change while Taurus will ensure smooth sailing. Madame G recommends that you begin unpacking and cleaning out your closet. Set aside time for Spring Cleaning and be ready for all new changes to come.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. This is true in all things. Although you must learn to use your head, you can’t just rush headlong into a brick wall. Instead of being too “pushy” rethink your strategy. Your goals may be worthy. Your attention might be admirable. But if...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF APRIL 23

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Awaken your senses to the unusual. As we stand firmly in the light of the Sun in Taurus allow yourself to sink into the positive energy emitted by this stable and practical sign. Those who are born under the Sun in Taurus may be steady, but that doesn’t mean they lack refinement, beauty or sensuality. Madame G recommends that you slow down and enjoy. Appreciate what you have.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

One closed door can lead to a very open window—or an entirely new house. Don’t get trapped into the forever thinking that once you do something, that’s the end. In fact, that may only be the beginning. It’s easy to let yourself get lost and trapped in the unhappiness of what...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF APRIL 16

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Are you ready for this? The New Moon slashes through the night sky on April 15. As you look up at the sky, consider this, even with the moon hidden the stars sparkle free and clear. Instead of getting trapped in the minutiae of things you can’t change, think about all that you do have and what you can change. Madame G wishes you well. Spring-cleaning begins. Refresh! Renew!


Aries (March 21-April 19)

What actions are you taking towards success? If you’re an artist, you should make art. If you’re into business, you should read upon business practices here in New Mexico (or wherever you are). Whatever makes your heart jump with feeling and pushes you out of bed in the morning...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF APRIL 9

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On April 8, prepare for Last Quarter Moon. According to Café Astrology, “the Last Quarter Moon is exact when the Sun in Aries forms a square with the Moon in Capricorn.” This often leads to a crisis of conscience. Madame G suggests drinking chamomile and mint tea (for the indigestion). All things come to pass, even a quarter life crisis or whatever applies to you.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

One failure does not in turn make you a failure. It sucks to miss a shot. It’s worse not to try. You may feel down in the dumps for a time, as you recover and that’s understandable. But, don’t stay down for too long. In fact, the best thing to do when you fall off the horse is dust your...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF MARCH 23

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What goes up must come down – but don’t let that get you down. It’s not up to you to decide what you can appreciate and what you should ignore. Life is all about the compromise of letting go and allowing new and better things into your life. Madame G recommends that you spend some time with yourself this week. Take care of yourself and more importantly, learn to forgive.


Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’re heading down an interesting path. You don’t know what’s heading your way, but it’s important to prepare yourself. Dwell in possibilities! Now is the time to let loose and learn all you can. You’re not weak for trying new things or for wanting a different path than...

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