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Top Five Stories of 2015

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OK, let’s get this right out in the open to start, I cheated on this article! I did not look at every issue and dither around about what I liked the best. I chose my selections from the last month and a half based on subjects I thought were important to the community at large. Be gentle with me and bear in mind that principally I am a sports writer, not a news reporter, though I am unsure of the difference most of the time.

Take it or leave it, here they are!

Bleacher Talk: The Benefits of the Aging Athlete

Issue # 31, 11-6-15

My regular weekly column, Bleacher Talk, was originally designed to sports-oriented topics but quickly became a place for commentary on many other subjects.

This particular piece dwells on the abilities of young athletes to focus their ensuing lives on being in better physical condition than their peers. Physical exercise and training is vital for our youth, regardless of ethnic, religious, or any other type of background. If you are overweight or run down, the examples you set for your children are important so that they do not learn badly, copy what you do, and think it’s OK.

The kids don’t have to be individual stars at their sport of choice; they just have to be allowed to play under proper guidance and with goals in mind. There are several ways this can be accomplished. I even listed a couple that are not prohibitively expensive. It should be good advice for many, and given in the spirit of hope for a better future.

GGEDC: Retention and Expansion Luncheon

Issue 37, 12-18-15

I don’t always mix with the social and economic wheels in town, but when I do...

Actually this was a very nice get together and informative as well. It’s always good to see parts of the community different from your normal coffee-drinking sports fans. Rubbing shoulders with these business leaders can be exhilerating and entertaining. The biggest surprise is that they are only human beings, like the rest of us, but with many more responsibilities.

It was also nice to write an informative article that may dispel rumors and innuendos that attempt to destroy positive happenings. It is the very basic ideals that news writing is founded on; truth and explanation.

A Crown Jewel for Downtown Gallup

Issue #34, 11-27-15

I’ve been an avid reader ever since I figured out the difference between the words politician and cat. I read everything, and anything.

I’m also on the Advisory Board of the Octavia Fellin Library and, in case you can’t tell from the article, am fully supportive of a new library, or as the younger set would call it, A Functional, Interactive, Learning Place. The name really doesn’t matter; the concept does.

As society moves further into the 21st Century, it is vital that out government provide a place for learning and instruction. Schools are not the only answer to this need; a place for additional knowledge is, and that is what makes a new library most important.

Military Museum Gaining Momentum

Issue #33, 11-20-15

I thought I did a great job on this story, but shortly after it was written I discovered that the issue was dead in the water.

‘They’ never did ask me for the plans I had drawn up to make it an enticing destination, whoever ‘they’ are. To paraphrase Mark Twain: ‘Idiots and politicians...sorry, I repeat myself.’

Museums are thought to be relics of the past, dry and dusty and relegated only to very brief moments in time. That doesn’t need to be the case, though. A modern day museum can and should reflect the feelings of all who have sacrificed for their country; right or wrong, it is still their country.

The real problem with any museum is providing enough data, and programs to make history come back to life for those who have never lived it! A very tough task!

Veterans Remembered and Remember

Issue #32, 11-13-15

OK, I am a veteran so why shouldn’t I like this article. Can’t think of a single reason.

I participated in the services, watched the parade, stood at attention, saluted the flag, and remembered a lot of my experiences while serving my country. I was lucky enough to be one of the few who had their portrait painted on several buildings around town, so it really was a special day for me.

I am a Patriot, and my patriotic spirit shines through where ever I am and what ever I do, just like the thousands of others over the last 150 years. Hear my story, see my pride, talk about the heroics of others. I am a veteran!
