
Gallup Sun

Wednesday, Jan 15th

Last update01:17:54 AM GMT

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# Article Title Author Hits
41 Miyamura gives back with football camp By Molly Ann Howell Managing Editor 547
42 Gallup Lady Bengals win state title By Molly Ann Howell Managing Editor 529
43 Sports QUIZ By Ryan A. Berenz 268
44 Sports QUIZ By Ryan A. Berenz 246
45 Star athlete of the week Staff Reports 478
46 Lady Bengals beat the Lady Rams Gallupsun Staff 466
47 Star athlete of the week Gallupsun Staff 406
48 Star athlete of the week Gallupsun Staff 431
49 Lady Bengals run the bases Gallupsun Staff 427
50 Sports Quiz By Ryan A. Berenz 216
51 Star athletes of the week Gallupsun Staff 450
52 Bobcats battle the Patriots Gallupsun Staff 489
53 Star athletes of the week Gallupsun Staff 531
54 Bengals challenge the Chieftains Gallupsun Staff 485
55 Star athletes of the week Gallupsun Staff 486
56 Lady Hawks squeeze past Lady Cougars Gallupsun Staff 486
57 Sports Quiz By Ryan A. Berenz 276
58 Star Athletes Of The Week Gallupsun Staff 564
59 Lynx beat the Bengals Gallupsun Staff 528
60 Lady Bengals pitch a no- hitter Gallupsun Staff 522

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