
Gallup Sun

Saturday, Dec 07th

Last update10:56:01 PM GMT

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# Article Title Author Hits
101 Lady Patriots lose in first round of volleyball tournament gallupsun 1013
102 Gallup Lady Bengals lose in second round of volleyball tournament gallupsun 836
103 Star athletes of the week Gallupsun Staff 826
104 Lynx hold out in the first tournament round Gallupsun Staff 646
105 Hawks lose in first championship round Gallupsun Staff 595
106 Bengals best the Bobcats Gallupsun Staff 614
107 Youngsters flock to Gallup for flag, tackle football tournament Gallupsun Staff 889
108 Bobcats bypass the Bengals Gallupsun Staff 599
109 Star athletes of the week Gallupsun Staff 663
110 Lady Hawks soar past the Lady Skyhawks Gallupsun Staff 622
111 Hawks sweep past the Eagles Gallupsun Staff 710
112 Lynx lose in overtime Gallupsun Staff 604
113 Star athletes of the week Gallupsun Staff 835
114 Mustangs serve against the Falcons Gallupsun Staff 567
115 Lady Patriots take home the victory over the Lady Bengals Gallupsun Staff 667
116 Star athletes of the week Gallupsun Staff 891
117 Star athletes of the week Gallupsun Staff 686
118 Student athletes race in Curtis Williams Invite Gallupsun Staff 641
119 Bengals cap off homecoming against Chieftains Gallupsun Staff 615
120 Bobcats outplay the Lynxes Gallupsun Staff 704

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