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Madame G guide to the starsWEEK OF OCTOBER 13

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Freaky Friday? Parakskevidekatriaphobia originates from the Greek Paraskevi for Friday. This is the technical term for fear of Friday 13th. Remember fear is a matter of perspective and suggestion. For instance, the Celts found 13 lucky. Madame G recommends you take time to examine your perspective and face any fears head on...

WESST’s holiday pop-up shop takes artists beyond workshops

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The “pop-up retail” trend has helped many artists and entrepreneurs sell products and launch businesses in cities throughout the country. Pop-up shops allow artists and retailers to use temporarily donated commercial space to sell wares and land new customers.

Albuquerque’s WESST Enterprise Center hosted a holiday pop-up shop last year to showcase its artisan and “maker” clients as part of Manufacturing Day activities. The event was so successful that the nonprofit business development and training organization has scheduled the second incarnation for Friday, October 20.

“We use the pop-up shop as a way to cap off our Creative P.I.E. program,” said Julianna Silva...

Recognizing Indigenous People’s Day 2017

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Without elaborating on the systematic genocide, the vicious cycle of homelessness and alcoholism and the undue suffering of our native people and the loss of our land since 1492, the countless termination of Indigenous Peoples lives, the rape of our women and the enslavement of everyone else still alive and the exploitation of our cultures, it is our desire to allow healing to take place, to honor our ancestors, to educate the world, to establish our rightful place in history and to demonstrate and teach our children—to the Seventh Generation—what equality, diversity and inclusion is all about.

The man who was lost and about to thrown overboard by his crew in 1492...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF OCTOBER 6

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The Full Moon lead to some interesting changes. Now, what will you do? You may discover it’s time to change and transform. You may even say: chance it. You’ll never know what will happen until it’s over and you’ll never know what stuff you’re made of until you try. Madame G recommends you get out there and just do it! It’s better to try and fail than not at all.


Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’re heading out on a new adventure. Instead of a burden, imagine you’re a pirate looking for treasure. You didn’t commit to a 30-year mortgage—you set off in uncharted territories. You may have years of payments ahead of you, but that’s life. You have to live somewhere. It...

Real newspapers, real news

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“Real Newspapers, Real News” is the theme of this year’s National Newspaper Week (Oct. 1-7.) Indeed, there’s always been lots of “real”  at newspapers. Real stories, real journalism, real work, real deadlines, real honesty, real facts, real changes and, now, real threats.

This is the 77th annual National Newspaper Week, a time to reflect on the job of newspapers to keep all things “real” such as real conversation, real democracy, real science, real trade, real fact-sharing, real faith and real friends. Of course we hear lots these days about what’s not real— so-called fake news and alternative facts and the non-stop stream of internet-based noise, disruptions and...

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