
Gallup Sun

Friday, Feb 14th

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Letter to the Editor: Native Americans have the most to lose if Trump wins

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Dear Editor,

Election Year 2024 is the November Surprise. Long-term consequences will mark our votes as the «United States of America» heads into the unknown with advanced notice of rapid change should Democracy fall to a second Donald Trump insurrection and the demise of the U.S. Constitution as a result of the promised...

Observe New Mexico Elections prepares non-partisan observers for general election

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ALBUQUERQUE  — Observe New Mexico Elections, a statewide nonpartisan election observation effort, has successfully launched its observation activities for the Nov. 5 General Election. Early voting began on Oct. 8 across all counties in New Mexico with expanded early voting beginning on Oct. 19 and 20. ONME observers were deployed statewide.

In preparation for early voting and general elections, every county clerk in New Mexico tests and ultimately certifies election equipment. The process is formally called Logic and Accuracy testing and occurs before each election.

ONME trained over 25 observers with information about what New Mexico state law notes will happen during this process...

Salome’s Stars

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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) The high standards you set for yourself don’t always translate into the behavior you expect from others. A relationship problem can be resolved if you’re more flexible and less judgmental.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Not enough party bids to satisfy the Bovine’s fun-loving side this week? Go ahead and throw one of your own. Then prepare for some serious work coming up early next week.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A new and intensely productive cycle kicks in on the 30th. Be careful not to get too stressed out, though. Make time to restore your energy by relaxing with family and friends.

CANCER: (June 21 to July 22) This could be a good time to share...

The Secret Service is a national embarrassment

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If this is what the Secret Service has become, it’s a wonder that something worse than Butler, P.A., hasn’t

already happened. That event was terrible enough, with one rally-goer killed and Donald Trump coming within an inch of losing his life. If Trump hadn’t turned his head at the right moment, Butler would have become one of the most notorious locations in American history and we’d be living in a different world.

At the time, the Secret Service’s failure seemed unfathomable, and none of the revelations since — set out  in a report by the Senate Homeland Security Committee — make it any better. Barney Fife was better organized and more accountable.

The Secret Service is...

Heinrich, Tonko introduce legislation to increase access to buprenorphine

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ALBUQUERQUE — U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., and U.S. Rep. Paul Tonko, D-N.Y., introduced the Broadening Utilization of Proven and Effective Treatment for Recovery Act, or BUPE for Recovery Act, legislation to increase access to buprenorphine — a lifesaving drug used to treat opioid use disorder — by removing barriers providers and patients face when trying to access the medication on Oct. 4

“New Mexicans know too well the heartache of losing a loved one to opioids,” Heinrich said.  “Enough is enough. We need an all-hands-on-deck approach to tackle this epidemic with the urgency it demands, which includes eliminating barriers that providers and patients face in...

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