
Gallup Sun

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Letters to the Editor

EA minimum salary receives unanimous support

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Dear Editor,

At the close of the sixth week of the legislative session, we are pleased to report that many of our union’s priority legislation continues to move forward. There are still three weeks to go, and many things can change, but we continue to make progress every day by advocating, educating, and agitating for the...

Letter to the Editor: News outlets say superintendent’s claims about Native student discipline don’t hold up

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At New Mexico in Depth and ProPublica, we practice “no surprises” journalism: No one should read anything about themselves in our articles without first having had a chance to respond.

So journalists in our newsrooms were surprised to read in the Sun that the superintendent of Gallup-McKinley County Schools had criticized our story about his school district. We had given him ample opportunity to respond to our reporting, but the Sun did not give us that opportunity in turn.

Superintendent Mike Hyatt told the Sun and school board members that he ignored our requests to talk to him because he believed we had a predetermined narrative.

That’s not the case. ProPublica, a national...

High school graduation redesign clears N.M. House

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Dear Editor,

We are now in the sixth week of the Legislative session and bills are beginning to make their way out of the N.M. House or N.M. Senate to the other legislative chamber. What does this look like in real life?

Generally, a bill will receive 1-3 committee hearings in the legislative chamber where the bill is introduced.

Once a bill passes those committees, it will be heard by the full chamber where it was introduced. If that chamber’s majority votes “yes” on the legislation, it will then be sent to the other legislative chamber for consideration in committees and then by the full chamber before heading to the governor for her signature or veto.

House Bill 126 passed...

Safer staffing healthcare bill begins first hearing

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Dear Editor,

House Bill 236, led by Rep. Eleanor Chavez and co-sponsored by Reps. Borrego, Castellano, Gurrola, Roybal Caballero, Rubio, and Sen. Brenda McKenna, would initiate a process for New Mexico to establish safe staffing parameters in our hospitals.

HB 236 is important as it would boost patient care levels by lessening the case loads of nurses and other healthcare professionals, and it would also help to lessen the burnout experienced by our healthcare workers.

AFT New Mexico is partnering with AFSCME District 1199 to promote and advocate for this legislation. HB 236 was presented on Feb.17 in the House Health Committee and public comment was taken. Due to a lack of time...

Letter to the Editor: Predatory lending finally ending in New Mexico

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On Jan. 1,  we marked the end of four decades of predatory lending in New Mexico, thanks to a new law that reduces the maximum annual interest rate on small loans from 175%, one of the highest rates allowed anywhere in the nation, to 36%.

As Think New Mexico explained in our 2020 policy report making the case for this reform, the 36% interest rate cap is actually a return to a highly effective consumer protection law that was in effect from the mid-1950s through the early-1980s.

In the 1950s, the New Mexico legislature and governor capped the annual interest rates of loans at no more than 36%. This law protected consumers while still allowing plenty of access to credit...

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