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Letters to the Editor

Recognizing Indigenous People’s Day 2017

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Without elaborating on the systematic genocide, the vicious cycle of homelessness and alcoholism and the undue suffering of our native people and the loss of our land since 1492, the countless termination of Indigenous Peoples lives, the rape of our women and the enslavement of everyone else still alive and the...

Letter to the Editor: Put a gag on President Trump

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President Trump needs to be gagged.

And apparently all we have left to do it is the public pressure and Congressional approbation to get the job done.

In the old Vaudeville days when an actor was bad they used a hook to pull him off the stage. We can’t do that with President Trump, but we need to.  He is antagonizing the nutcase in North Korea.

We don’t need another foreign conflict.

We have been in Afghanistan for 16 years and can’t seem to pull out. We never should have invaded Iraq. Saddam Hussein was killing 350 people a year.  Since our intervention a half million Iraqis’ have died. President Obama said that Assad in Syria should go.

Now half of Syria is in Europe...

RE: “CLOSING THIS CHAPTER” Gallup Sun, July 14, 2014

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July 21, 2017 was a day filled with both happiness and sadness as I attended the retirement event for Mary Ellen Pellington, the director of the Octavia Fellin Public Library in Gallup, New Mexico for the past eight years.  Her last day on the job will be August 01 but her legacy will last forever.

As is her nature, the welcoming atmosphere was felt even as she invited me to sit at her table along with another “favorite patron”, Chris.  The theme was “Let’s blame it on the BOOGIE!”— Totally 1970’s, with a well decorated “meeting room” that was totally transformed into a disco dance room with a ball light device and vinyl records hanging from the ceiling and on the...

Racial Reconciliation in Gallup

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Part 1 of 2

Dear Editor:

With all the recent controversy regarding the removal of Larry Casuse memorial by the City, I have been thinking about whether to say anything or not.  I know “racism” is a touchy issue to talk about because most people like to believe it doesn’t exist anymore.

Anyway, it reminded me of a book I read in March of 2008 written by a man named Edward Gilbreath.  The book is called “Reconciliation Blues.”   He was writing about what he saw in the segment of society known as White Evangelical Christianity, which has had its share of problems with “integration”.

He told of how on his first Pastoral assignment he and his wife took an associate...

Gallup solar deal is no deal at all

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April 16, 2017

I recently read about a City sponsored solar project going to the County Commissioners asking for a 6-to-8 year tax abatement, which mean they would not have to pay taxes on equipment to the tune of $800,000 to $1,000,000.

I understand local businessman Joe DiGregorio spoke against granting the tax abatement mainly citing the Counties deteriorating finances, which is limiting County services and causing employee layoffs.  He felt the Commissioners should protect future tax revenues and he wasn’t convinced the energy savings would be realized as predicted.

Well, I tend to agree with Mr. “D”.  He is a very smart businessman.

Here is my take on the situation. ...

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