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Madame G guide to the stars Week of Feb. 24

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We benefit from the Sun in Pisces until March 19th. This mutable sign offers insight into the emotions of generosity and empathy. Buyer beware, you may also find an increase in self-pity and feelings of victimization. Madame G wishes you well. Learn to examine emotions as part of you, but not as you. Feelings aren’t facts...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of febrUARY 10

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Happy Valentines Day! To the happy lovers out there, may you have many blessed returns. Enjoy each other and remember that forgiveness and kindness will never be overrated. To those who are not in a romantic relationship, congratulations. Focus on yourself and spread a little warmth and kindness to those around you. Embody compassion and love and be kind to yourself.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Good luck Aries! You have a penchant for drama and you’re often driven to what is novel and fun. However, in the pursuit of those entertainments you may have left behind something of real value. Don’t lose a fortune for a pebble or you may experience the greatest pain of all, regret.


Madame G guide to the stars Week of febrUARY 3

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The sun is in Aquarius, which is a wonderful time for intellectual pursuits. Your creative efforts require assistance from friends and fellow idea generators. Collaboration works in your favor and will work wonders for your artistic flow. Madame G sees great things ahead. Put your best foot forward. Now is the time to make the most of what you have.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Hammering out the details is not your favorite activity. You’d rather provide the big ideas and communicate plans. Remember that all great journeys begin with the first step. Visionary ideas may come to you in your dreams (or daydreams); and could blossom into full-fledge projects when Mercury moves into...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of JANUARY 27

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The moon is Void of Course on Friday, Jan. 31 from 8:09 am to 5:28 pm. Only the stars know if they’ll have a stronger or lighter influence. Madame G recommends you do your taxes, get the car registered, or simply handle menial and otherwise boring tasks. Leave the important work for Feb. 1. But it’s all up to you. You can do whatever you want. Blessings.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Happiness and unhappiness begin with a choice. You can feel bad when someone is mean to you, or you can choose not to be mad. You may choose to get angry when you see the state of the world, or take action. Anytime you worry or expend unnecessary emotion, you drain brain power. Instead, look at what...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of JANUARY 20

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Enjoy a New Moon on Jan. 24 as you contemplate the beginning of any new projects. Channel the spirit of Aquarius as you envision a new purpose that rings of vision. Look toward the future and dare to imagine it as improved. Madame G encourages you to share your talents with others as you live your best life. Don’t be afraid to be a beacon of light in this world. Good luck!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Your challenge is learning the difference between articulating your feelings and over-sharing. It’s a tactic in negotiations to overwhelm the competition with information, but this tactic usually works only once. Do not make rash decisions at this time.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Work has...

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