
Gallup Sun

Friday, Feb 14th

Last update03:11:14 PM GMT

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Window Rock gets into the holiday spirit

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The temperatures dropped quickly in Window Rock, Ariz., but that didn’t deter guests from gathering at the Navajo Nation Veterans Memorial Park for the Christmas tree lighting and parade on Dec. 11.

The event was hosted by the Office of the President and Vice President and featured a lineup of decorated Christmas trees...

Your breakfast secret weapon: The make-ahead casserole

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By Patti Diamond

What if I told you there’s a breakfast so versatile, so satisfying and so easy to make ahead that it can save your busiest weekday mornings, elevate your lazy weekends and even grace your holiday table? The humble breakfast casserole is your secret weapon for starting the day right.

Picture this: It’s Christmas morning, the house is buzzing with excitement, and breakfast is already taken care of — no stress, no mess. Or maybe it’s an ordinary Tuesday, and you’re out the door with a hot, hearty breakfast in your belly instead of a granola bar in hand. The beauty of a breakfast casserole is in its flexibility: prep one now, freeze it, and you’ll be ready to...

Moments in Time

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• On Dec. 16, 1938, Adolf Hitler instituted the Mother’s Cross, a medal awarded as part of an initiative designed to encourage women of “pure” German origin to grow the Third Reich’s population. Each year between 1938 and 1944, gold medals were given to women with eight or more children, silver medals to women with six to seven, and bronze medals to women with five.

• On Dec. 17, 2010, a struggling street vendor named Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire outside the governor’s office in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia. That morning, his merchandise had been confiscated by a municipal inspector, as Bouazizi was operating without a government permit. His act was considered the start of...

Winter coats, booties keep pets healthy in the winter

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By Sam Mazzota
King Syndicate

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: We had a cold snap a couple of weeks ago, and the morning temperature dipped below freezing. After taking my Labradoodle, “Pierre,” for a walk around the block, I noticed he was shivering, and he walked with a tiny limp the rest of the day. He’s OK now, but it didn’t seem so cold when we went out. From now on, I’ll make sure he has a doggie sweater and booties on for walks, even if there is no snow on the ground. — Sara in Bennington, Vermont

DEAR SARA: That’s a good plan. I’m glad Pierre is doing fine now, but I’m sure that was a scary lesson. Small dogs can be quickly affected by cold temperatures. Even when the...


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By Dana Jackson

Q: What ever happened to Jussie Smollett since he was let out of jail after he was convicted for lying about being a victim of assault? Does he have any career left in Hollywood after this? — U.L.

A: Actor Jussie Smollett was at the peak of his career as a regular on the hit Fox series Empire when he said he was the victim of a hate crime. He eventually admitted that he staged the incident with his “attackers” and was subsequently charged with falsifying police reports. He was sentenced to 150 days in jail but only served six days before being released in 2023. The Illinois Supreme Court also recently ruled that he will not have to return to jail to finish his...
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