
Gallup Sun

Monday, Jan 13th

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Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: A letter to the heartbeat of New Mexico: Our incredible teachers

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Dear New Mexico Educators,

As the sun sets over the enchanting landscapes of our beloved state, concluding my tenure as the 2023 New Mexico Teacher of the Year, I am compelled to express my deepest admiration and gratitude to you, the incredible, hardworking, and truly inspirational teachers of New Mexico.

Throughout my...

Letter to the Editor: Congratulations Navajo Nation students!

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Dear Navajo Nation students,

The Department of Diné Education congratulates each of you for completing the fall 2023  semester! From Pre-K all the way to postgraduate programs, we cherish each of our students’  academic successes and look for every opportunity to support them on their journey of learning.

The end of the fall semester coincides with the holiday gatherings that we all attend to cap off the  end of the year. People of all ages come together to reflect on their accomplishments, the  challenges they faced, and how they have grown as a person at this time of year. You deserve to  take a moment and celebrate your semester of work with the people around you.


Letter to the Editor: Why is a fertilized condor egg treated differently than a fertilized human egg?

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Conservation is done for many animals in the animal kingdom. Millions of dollars are spent each year to preserve or save one endangered species or another.

Several years ago one of those was the condor.

Pictures of helicopters hovering over nests as angry condors parents watched as conservationists raided the nest, took the fertilized egg, placed it in a padded box, and flew away with it. The egg was tenderly cared for, kept in an incubator, turned regularly, and monitored closely. If the egg had been dropped and broken it would have been considered a great loss.

Since 2020, a large debate has taken place over abortion rights again. When does life begin?

Here is the textbook picture...

Letter to the Editor: GMCS’s behavioral problems are not racial

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Dear Editor,

I commend the Sun for your objective reporting on the front-page story “GMCS back in the hot seat.” You clarify the issue by presenting both sides without bias, a quality rarely seen in modern journalism reeking of tabloid sensationalism.

Claims of racism are very serious charges. Nowadays a person can lose their job and their life destroyed from just an accusation. If those charges of racism are fabricated and can’t be backed up with evidence, a vile and sometimes criminal condition known as “race hustling” is revealed. Race hustlers represent the very worst of racism; stoking fear and hatred in the name of racial sensitivity and fanning the flames of racial...

Letter to the Editor: The 2023 farm bill: New Mexicans should ensure their voices are heard

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Dear Editor,

Think about what New Mexico might look like without food production. What if we didn’t have New Mexico chile, open space or healthy crops? Food nutrition is a crucial part of our everyday life. As you drive around your local community, take a minute to notice how the food and agriculture sector is everywhere.

All New Mexico agriculture and the consumers who enjoy our state’s products are impacted by the 2023 Farm Bill being discussed by Congress, which is renewed every five years. The renewal provides an opportunity for producers and consumers to make decisions about commodities to grow, conservation practices to invest in and requirements to establish the nutrition...

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