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DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for July 15, 2016

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Welcome back to another edition of highlights arriving on DVD and Blu-ray. Those looking for something new to rent or buy will definitely be able to find something below. So if you can’t make it out to the movies this week, be sure to give one of these titles a try!

Big New Releases!

The Dark Horse - This...

Crownpoint High’s Moore calling it quits

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Former AD, teacher, coach retires to Albuquerque

CROWNPOINT – Her passion for teaching is surpassed only by her love of the kids she coached, and that’s one of the reasons Crownpoint High School’s Sheri Moore will be missed. Moore, who worked at Crownpoint High for 30 years in various capacities, recently announced her retirement at the end of the 2016 school year.

“Everyday, I felt like I had the best job in the world working with some great kids,” Moore said. “I will miss the interaction with the students and most of my athletes. I don’t know if the realization of retirement will set in until August.”

A Clinton, Iowa, native and graduate of the University of New...

‘Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates’ is a missed opportunity

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Rating: «« out of 4 stars

Running Time:
98 min.

In a summer full of sequels, it’s rare to find a movie that offers something a bit different.

Thankfully, the new film Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates features an original concept. It also offers a premise that suggests plenty of comedic potential. But do the filmmakers end up making the most of it?

Dave (Zac Efron) and Mike Stangle (Adam Devine) are lug-headed brothers who want nothing more than to party and have a good time. Unfortunately for family members, their escapades often result in collateral damage to both property ... and people. When their sister Jeanie (Sugar Lyn Beard) announces she’s getting married, the two...

‘The BFG’ is polished, but dramatically flat

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Rating: «« out of 4 stars

Running Time: 117 min.

As a boy, my favorite author by a country mile was Roald Dahl. Obviously, his tales, which include Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach, among many others, were always incredibly imaginative. Still, I think that I most appreciated the author’s embrace of darker story elements (always peppered with a sense of humor). His young protagonists are often put through the ringer. Dahl had an amusing way of putting the screws to any character with traits that he found repellent or rude — it never mattered if it was a child or an adult. As a young reader, I always felt that he wasn’t patronizing me or sanitizing...

‘The Legend of Tarzan’ has its flaws, but adds some interesting elements

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Rating: ««« out of 4 stars

Running Time: 110 min.

It seems like Warner Brothers’ expensive attempt to reboot the Edgar Rice Burroughs character of Tarzan hasn’t been getting a whole lot of publicity over the past couple of weeks. Perhaps this is because it’s an aged property that appears old-fashioned to many. And a truly horrific real-life incident involving a gorilla earlier in the month may have caused some discomfort for viewers and marketing departments. Whatever the reason, The Legend of Tarzan appears likely to take a beating with critics and at the box office.

I feel a little badly for the film. Yes, it is clunky in spots and certainly has its fair share of issues...

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