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DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for August 7, 2015

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It’s time for another column featuring the highlights among new Blu-ray and DVD releases. Looks like it’s a very busy week with plenty to choose from. As always, be sure to click on any links to read detailed reviews. So, if you can’t make it out to the movies this week, be sure and give one of these titles a...

‘Vacation’ Re-do: A fresh take on a classic dysfunctional family

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««« out of five stars

The Hollywood Hills echo the sound of regurgitation. A collective yack heard round the world as they recycle every plot idea they can buy the rights to.

I have screamed, moaned and complained about this for years but there is no end in sight. I suppose my Klout score holds little to no leverage with the powers that greenlight. So I’ve resigned to the fact that do-overs are going to happen but we don’t have to like them. Unless, of course, they are entertaining.

Fortunately the new version of Vacation delivers plenty of self-aware laughs, embracing the fact that this is a retread the same way that the hilarious 21 Jump Street did. I blame the cast for this...

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for July 31, 2015

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Welcome back to another look at highlights of what is coming your way on DVD and Blu-ray. Much like the last edition, the pickings are slim, but there are a couple of noteworthy releases both new and old.  So if you can’t make it out to the movies this week, be sure and give one of these titles a try!

Big New Releases!

3 Hearts - Those with a taste for melodrama may be interested in this foreign-language romance tale from France. It follows a young woman who meets the man of her dreams, but fate pulls their lives in different directions. The heroine gets a shock a year later when she’s invited to her sister’s wedding, and discovers the groom is the man she...

PIXELS Features A Script With Too Many Design Flaws

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Rating: «« out of 4 Stars

Running Time: 106 min.

Truthfully, the idea of characters from arcade games of the 80s waging war against the Earth is appealing. Pixels features a super concept, but something goes a little wonky in the execution. While the movie should have given star Adam Sandler a chance at something different, the production doesn’t stray from the actor’s slapstick formula. Yes, it’s better than most of his recent output, but it’s still a disappointingly generic film that ultimately comes across a little uninspired.

Back in the 80s, a time capsule probe is sent into outer space. When an alien force receives it and interprets the contents as aggressive, they...

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for July 21, 2015

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Every once in a while, you get a lean week. This column would certainly qualify, with only a few highlights coming your way. Still, there are some eccentric efforts that may be worth a look. So if you can’t make it out to the movies this week, be sure to give one of these titles a try!

Big New Releases!

Kung Fu Killer - 51 year old action hero Donnie Yen headlines this Hong Kong fight flick about a killer wiping out the best martial artists in the land. It’s up to the lead’s convict/kung fu master character to help the cops track down and stop the offender. While no one has called it a classic, reviews were pretty decent for this effort. Most described it as a...

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