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Madame G guide to the stars Week of JANUARY 6

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Change isn’t easy. Sometimes, our darkest hour can be a moment of clarity and understanding. Do not wait quietly by the corner and allow life to happen. Take life by the horns and hang on. You may get a little bruised, but what a wonderful ride it will be. Good luck! Madame G wishes you a very Happy New Year! May 2020 be...

Madame G Guide to the Stars Week of December 23

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Your new projects are jumping out of the starting gate and you didn’t buy a saddle. This isn’t the time to go all willy-nilly. Enjoy time with your family. If nothing else, you can always run away on your stead. Madame G suggests holding on tight for the ride. Happy Holidays!

Aries (March 20- April 19)

There’s a spark charging up your routine. It’s an unexpected thrill and the excitement is surprising. As you pull a fellow trainee lifeguard from the bottom of the pool, imagine the enjoyable prospects of summer. Daydream of Christmas in July, the heat of summer beckons you. Happy Holidays!

Taurus (April 20- May 20)

You have a steady-on attitude - it’s very stoic...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of DECemBER 16

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The moon is Void of Course on December 15th. This is a time for staying on course and thinking through problems (even romantic ones) rationally. Madame G recommends you follow your head rather than your heart.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Are you heading toward a new adventure? Perhaps you’re thinking about a new course of action. This next phase in life will be challenging and fun. Happiness is possible, if you allow it. The eleventh house is your humanitarian center, and you may be inspired to get more involved in a cause you care about.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You’re ready for a change. It’s hard to break a decade old pattern. The life you dreamed of or worked toward isn’t...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of DECemBER 9

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Paraskevidekatriaphobia! Say that three times fast… It’s fear of the number 13. Did you know scientists believe fear actually creates self-fulfilling prophecies and accidents? Madame G recommends taking fate into your own hands create your own luck. Happy Friday 13th!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’re soaring to new heights and accomplishing more than expected. The restless fire of the Aries soul only cools to simmer. Consider focusing your drive in a positive direction. Make your passions work for you (not against you). You’re not afraid of a little thing like superstition. Get out there and make it happen.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You dance to the beat of your own drum. It...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of DECemBER 2

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Dashing through the snow…well, there might be snow. Here in New Mexico the idea of a “White Christmas” is always a little delusional. Besides, snow doesn’t mean you’re having a good time. Madame G recommends that instead of following some else’s idea of a good Christmas or life, why don’t you make up your own version. I bet yours is better anyway.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’re not perfect and the world is going to disappoint you. But, that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You also don’t have to lower your standards. You can maintain a high standard of excellence for yourself and still exert the least amount of effort worrying about it. Instead, take action when...

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