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You are here: Opinions Horoscope Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF SEPT. 16 - 22

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF SEPT. 16 - 22

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It’s going to be a busy week, astrologically. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse takes place Sept. 16. According to Café Astrology, this is an emotionally fertile time. You may develop and enrich your current connection or create new ones. On Sept. 21, Mercury goes into retrograde. Madame G recommends you keep your words brief. Stay kind!


Aries (March 21-April 19)

Does anxiety have you in a chokehold? Perhaps it’s just cutting off your airway periodically. This sets the stage for your breakdown and health problems like heart attacks, strokes, or death. Don’t panic! If you can’t slow down during the week — take it off. If you can’t take 15 minutes to meditate, then do it for 30. Now is the time to live the life you’ve always wanted.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Steady does it! Don’t allow others to mistake inaction for lack of forethought. You’re ready for action, when the time is right. It’s often the wisest course to plot and plan before you take any sudden action. However, you’ll need to make a decision soon. The ramifications are far reaching. Be like a Girl Scout and always be prepared. Good luck!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The promise of new life and novelty surround you. But the pressures of maintaining your youthful energy can be exhausting. Fall is here. Now is the perfect time to rest and relax. Human beings encounter changing seasons throughout their life, physically and metaphorically. Consider what season you’re in emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Enjoy it! Nothing lasts forever.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You may find yourself feeling nostalgic. Don’t ignore it. Call up a friend from high school and enjoy lunch in a new city. Make plans that go against your usual day. Though you may harbor resentment over the past — let it go. Would you rather be right or happy? You can’t be both. You must choose how you want to live your life and decide what you’re willing to let go. Breathe!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

If you’re feeling a little impulsive, do some planning. This will help you make better decisions so you can walk out the door in a hurry. Head up to the New Mexico State Fairgrounds in Albuquerque. Enjoy the 4-H events! Eat a corn dog and have a huge Frito pie. Don’t forget the fry bread. After all of that, if you’re still ready, take a long walk and enjoy where you live.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The Sun is passing out of your sign this week. You may have enjoyed the additional focus. Your friends and family are back to their kooky selves. Crazy as usual. You’re ready for the next phase. Don’t worry about perfection. Live well by finding your true purpose. If you’ve provided excellent service to everyone around, now is the time to do this for you. You’ve got this!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.22)

As the Brits would say, “You’re looking very smart.” Meaning you’re chic and look like you have it all together. Even if it’s not true take it as a compliment. All you can do is your best. But don’t give your life to the job. Take care of yourself because no one else can — they’re fighting their own battles. Take a walk. Take a breath. And don’t forget you’re loved. Live well!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You’re hardworking and diligent and take things very seriously. Work becomes you — it almost defines you. Remember, your job isn’t you and can’t love back. Your abilities aren’t in question. But your health and sanity are up for grabs. Take time for yourself this week. Be selfish and ask yourself what you want in this life. Live true to your purpose. Enjoy your time now. Live now!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You must take a course of action. The time is now not later. You can’t afford to laze about or think about your next move. Urgent action is required. Once you’ve made the decision, you’ll feel better. You may feel as if you have all the time in the world now. In order to get there, you must decide your next course. It may hurt a little, but it’ll be worth it. You’ve got this!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Live well, my hardheaded friend. You’re at a crossroads. Option A will lead one way and option B leads the other way. Neither course is wrong. However, your family may think you’re hardhearted. In your pursuit, consider showing love to your family. Speak kind words of encouragement to them or, at times, say nothing at all. That’s the path to wisdom!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Sometimes, tough love is the best love. You can’t spend all your time caring for those who take advantage of you. If the system is too broken in one area, it may be fixable in another. This doesn’t mean you need to give up. Be malleable. If you can’t change something directly, you may need to take the indirect route. Do your best. It does more than you’ll ever know.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Show love even if you don’t feel it. Lashing out at a loved one is easy. But don’t assume they’re the crazy one. If you trigger someone, ask yourself why. You’re not responsible for their bad manners, but you may not be innocent. Your communications skills could be off, or you may be misreading the situation. Whatever the case, it’s always best to see an issue from both sides.