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You are here: Opinions Horoscope Madame G. Guide to the stars WEEK OF April 22-28, 2016

Madame G. Guide to the stars WEEK OF April 22-28, 2016

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Happy Earth Day, earthlings! Taurus rules the Sun this month. This is a decidedly solid character. You may feel more grounded in the daily details, but don’t get bogged down. Accept transition. Today’s full moon enters Scorpio, a fixed water sign. This carries with it transformational qualities. Use this powerful combination to your advantage. Complete projects that have felt out of reach and set the new standard: “Shoot for the moon and you may hit a star.”


Aries (March 21-April 19)

Dear Aries, as a Cardinal sign your attributes are impressive. You’ve the ambition for world domination and the morality of a saint. You lead troops through hell and back. But, great leadership often requires stepping back. Two fixed signs rule the day, but only this day. Let them have it and move on. Madame G recommends getting out in nature. Plant a tree. You’ll be glad you did.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You enjoy routine and the simplicity of steadiness. So many factors disrupt you—it’s often called life. It’s hard to accept that you’re wrong. It’s even harder to admit you’ve acted out of turn. Now is the time to release your stubbornness. Take a page from Scorpio, and consider the phoenix—rise from the ashes. Don’t get stuck in quick sand. When someone offers you a branch, take it, and watch out for the R-O-U-Ss’.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Does everything seem just a tad bit too serious? Well, it’s not your imagination. Folks will be more focused and steady this week. You may even think that the world suddenly dislikes you. You couldn’t be further from the truth. Madame G suggests going with the flow and working on personal projects that have fallen behind. Get some much-needed sunlight and enjoy the day. Put your green thumb to work.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You’ll appreciate the steady business and the stream of activity. As usual, you’ll handle this with the proper amount of sarcasm and wine/beer. You may even delight in the extra conversation, but it’ll likely take its toll. Use your forceful personality to take some time for yourself. You’re no good to anyone (especially you) if you don’t take a break. Kick up your feet and soak up the day.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Projects are filling up your days, months, and years. It may seem that you’re so busy that you can’t keep up. Even if you complain, don’t lie—you love it. You wouldn’t do it if it didn’t please you in some way. We both know this is for the admiration of the crowd. They’re impressed. Plus, there’s worse ways to spend the day than outside. Live it up!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You may spend too much time indoors. Vitamin D deficiency is harmful. It causes a loss in bone density and may contribute to depression. You could drink more milk and eat fortified foods or you can take a much-needed walk outside. Spring is here. Get moving. You’ll regret all the time you didn’t spend outside more than you’ll miss the latest reality TV show.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.22)

You love spring and it’s everywhere. Are the hummingbirds in your yard? Are you a beekeeper? Consider taking your love of nature to the next level. You could start a nature-loving group on Meetup. You could take tourists on nature walks. You could travel all over the Enchanted State witnessing the incredible landscape from deserts to mountains. Whatever you do enjoy it!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You feel another transformation coming that’s both rooted and sustainable. This grouping with Taurus’s earthy aspects will ground your will power. You may feel slowed down, but you’re actually moving at a natural human pace. Consider this a blessing. You’ll accomplish incredible projects this week that’ll be a testament to your skill. They’ll build your personal portfolio from a marathon runner to finishing your novel. All of this will advance your career. You’re closer to being where you want to be than you think.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Your greatest enemy is yourself. Often the aloof Sagittarius is simply unaware of the effect or perhaps too aware to care. If you feel the need to move, try taking that energy outside. Plan for a rooted center that will likely make you uncomfortable. You may want to plant a tree to represent you in your absence. Your family may appreciate the symbolism. For more information visit: www.earthday.org.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Getting sick is never fun and it often spreads among family members, co-workers, and anyone else caught in the crossfire. Take the time to decontaminate your work area. Clean your home and any nooks, crannies, and spaces that may contain germs. Remember to meditate and breathe in fresh air. Mother nature is calling you. Take the dog for a walk and stop by a park on the way home.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is your day. Aquarians love all that is big picture coupled with ethical work. You may not agree with every aspect of a cause or theory. You may have serious concerns such as, the cost of recycling on the environment or planting trees in a desert. But, these are still environmentally sound ideas. Go forth and learn. Educate and inspire those around you. Madame G suggests that you may just find your purpose.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Solitary walks in nature are among the most economically and environmentally sound activities around. Enjoy all that you have and celebrate your life as it is now. Appreciate your successes and learn from your mistakes. Take in each breath with renewed hope and joy. Give back to your community and do more for your community than you’ll ever receive in return. Welcome to happiness.