
Gallup Sun

Tuesday, Feb 18th

Last update03:11:14 PM GMT

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Sarcasm Makes Cynics of Us All

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It’s a good thing we have friends to keep us grounded and also to make sure we are wearing pants before stepping outside the house!

One of mine was quick to point out that in last week’s column, I failed in writing just about sarcasm, because sarcasm usually leads to cynicism, which can easily become an argument, then to a fight, and eventually to a full-blown war. We need to rein back those impulses some, I know, regardless of the urges we feel. Don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings, after all. Ooops!

My friend was also quick to disparage my home-spun morality tales in the same column, telling me point blank that they needed an update. Ok, already, I get the point! What ever it is.

In today’s society, disagreeing with the speaker is not considered good manners, unless of course the speaker is totally wrong, in your mind. If you think that statement is a little confusing, just look around. Where are the free and open debates of the past that were geared to make your brain work, and not just solidify into hard shells of resistance? They are gone like the art of cursive writing, discarded for the NEW and IMPROVED!

One of the current ‘hot button’ items of the day is the massive migration of Syrians to other countries and the scattered pockets of terrorism that are everywhere. Sides have been chosen in this battle: good vs. bad; empathetic vs. non-caring. But the portion that is lacking in both sides is a more clear-headed rationale, although both think they are the only ones who have it.

Now, this column is not intended to be an arena for either side to either present their views, mostly narrow ones, or to attempt an ‘academic’ knockout kick to the head, in the manner of Holly Holm, who has a much firmer grasp on the physical than most of us and may also be superior to us in knowing when to use the kick to full advantage.

The above compound sentence fulfills my requirement to use this column in the name of sports. Done, and done!

Now, the above italicized and underlined sentences are sarcasm. The next step is becoming a cynic, as in “You really don’t care what I write, you just keep reading to see if I can spell!”

Then, everything starts going downhill from there! No home-spun adages need to be included. It is what it is and what it becomes is often much worse than what it started out to be. Are you still reading?

We get so involved protecting our side that we absolutely cannot find room or time to even consider the ideas of others. And we think that is OK!

Gallup High lost the season opener in the boys basketball arena last week for the seventh time in eight years, but that little tidbit of info means little, since they have adequately used those games to rebound into very good seasons, including a couple of appearances in the state championship game.

So keep your spirits up! There is a lot more games to this season to keep you excited.

There are also a couple of wrestling matches to be held on local mats this year and some young men with very good chances to use their talents will particpate for Gallup, Miyamura, and Wingate High schools. Get out and see them perform and lend them your supports. Maybe I’ll see you near the mats, or somewhere between there and the bleachers!