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A star in the making

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Former Gallupian dreams of national TV syndication


Meet Colt Balok. Or maybe you already have. Colt Balok, who until the age of seven, was known as Matthew Tyler Crosby, was adopted at the age of two, by a couple who likes animals.  His new dad was a veterinarian. His new mom runs the humane society. The couple had six other children…all with first names that started with a “C.”


Since Matthew doesn’t start with a “C,” he felt a little out of place, until, at the age of seven, he chose himself a new first name, one that started with a “C.”  He named himself Colt, because his best friend’s name was Cole. He became Colt Matthew Balok.


Colt says he remembers people he has met who might not even realize they know him. He grew up in Gallup and left for UNM in Albuquerque when he became 18.


He planned out his career a few times over the years. First, he wanted to be an athletic director. So he shadowed an athletic director for a day and decided it was not for him.


Then he wanted to go into politics and got a degree in political science. He worked on political campaigns. But he decided that wasn’t the magic ticket, either.


When he graduated, he started a TV show on public access TV. The idea was planted in his head after he saw Britney Spears in concert when he was eight years old.  He said he couldn’t play an instrument and he couldn’t sing. So he’d have to do something else.


He decided on a talk show. The mission for the show: to inspire people to become their best, to leave their mediocrity behind.  He says people don’t recognize how much they touch other people, their sphere of influence.


One of his favorite interviews was with David Archuleta, who took second place during the seventh season of American Idol. Balok said Archuleta skyped into the show and opened up about how he struggled with self-doubt and how he had been bullied. Balok called it one of the most intimate and vulnerable stories he ever broadcast.


Balok is no slouch. He reads and researches. He’s checked out Oprah and Stephen Covey and Leo Buscaglia.


Besides Oprah, Balok says he’d like to interview Taylor Swift because she’s always managed herself. He considers her the most successful artist ever. He shared four questions he would ask her. What does she want to be known for? What is her life purpose? What is her biggest struggle? And what is the biggest misperception about her?


Closer to home, he would like to interview Hiroshi Miyamura, a Medal of Honor winner for actions during the Korean War, who is currently 94 years old. Balok says he wants to understand what it took for Miyamura to do the things he did, and to thank him for everything he’s done.


Balok wants to be as big as Oprah. He dreams of national syndication. But while those dreams seem massive, he has a humble view of them. And he is aware that the COVID-19 situation is creating chaos which can disrupt everything. Nevertheless, when asked about his plans to expand, he says, “when God allows that to happen,” and that he’ll go “wherever God wants to put me.”


Right now, he’s growing. His show has been airing on My50TV for 26 weeks and he signed a contract that starts April 20 with CW Utah, CW Southern Colorado,  ABC Fox Montana, and CW Kansas.


His message to Gallupians: “Be who you’re called to be. I think so many people don’t believe in themselves. Everyone in Gallup should be able to do greater things than I’m doing,” he said. “I believe in them. I want them to be proud of who they are, so they can give more of themselves to others. I am who I am because of people supporting me.”


You can see the Colt Balok show on My50TV, Facebook and YouTube.  His show is scheduled Monday mornings from 6 am - 7 am, just the right time, he says, to help people kick off their week on a positive, inspired note.