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Letter to the Editor

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January 30, 2018

Dear Editor:

There are several races in the 2018 New Mexico elections that are wide open. It offers us the opportunity to get our government back on track of providing service to improve the lives of the residents of New Mexico.

First, I want to state the obvious. We must change our dirty underwear. That, being the Republican Administration who has lowered the standard of our State and Country through bigotry and hatred. Frankly, I am embarrassed by the Republican Party’s racial demagoguery as their political strategy. As President Donald Trump promotes racial stereotypes, his fellow Republicans’ silence and defending him only discredit themselves. And it stinks!

The Republicans have no business oppressing and alienating Hispanics, Blacks, Arabs, Native Americans and other Minorities who make up New Mexico and America. Trump has shown us that he is morally corrupt, so I ask, “Are the Republicans really like that as well?” And I ask the Churches, “Is this the image of God?”

A political Party that alienates people is what we must get beyond. We must get back to the respectfully State/Tribal relationship which the current Republican Administration greatly undermined. It is an opportunity to turn New Mexico away from the Republican veto pen which took away the trust Native Americans had for the State.

Democrat Candidate for Governor of New Mexico, Mr. Jeff Apodaca is providing a new leadership that intends on getting the trust of Native Americans back into State government. He intends on being a friend of the Navajo people.

Mr. Apodaca informs the Navajo voters that he supports the WIND System agreed to by New Mexico and Navajo governments. This is an ordered system of funding or match-funding on the five priority capital outlay projects of every Navajo Chapters in New Mexico. It is the funding for these projects that Republican Governor Susana Martinez has no conscience in vetoing. Mr. Apodaca also informs the Native communities that projects that received prior funding will be completed.

He intends on appointing a Representative from Indian Country and Northern New Mexico to the State Public Education Department (NMPED) Task Force on Capital Outlay Projects for our State schools. This matter of the Gallup-McKinley Co. and Zuni School Districts lawsuit against NMPED must be properly resolved. All our school district asks for is equality.

Mr. Jeff Apodaca also informs the Navajo Chapters that he supports the New Mexico/Navajo Water Rights Settlement. He supports the completion of the Navajo-Gallup Waterline Project and the Cutter Lateral Waterline Project. He is in support of the Crownpoint Lateral Waterline Project which is set to begin. These waterline projects are bringing water to numerous Navajo communities in New Mexico. This collaborative effort greatly enhanced trust between New Mexico and Navajo governments.

Mr. Apodaca also opposes the efforts of the Republicans; to disenfranchise Native American’s right to vote, to cut the Medicaid Health Programs, the Senior Citizens Centers, to cut the school lunch program and the food stamp program. My gosh, the food stamp funding is less than 1% of the federal budget, yet the Republican Party blame it for the federal budget deficient.

These are programs that provide services to Native Americans. They attempt to cut these programs because the Republicans say that Native Americans will never vote for them. That is totally wrong.

Mr. Jeff Apodaca is the Democrat Candidate for Governor that is listening to the concerns of Navajos and other Indian Tribes. He is not embroiled in the toxic political atmosphere of Washington but is concern for the citizens of New Mexico. His campaign theme “Turn around New Mexico” is definitely something we need to support. And so, I am asking everyone to support and vote for Jeff Apodaca for Governor of New Mexico. He is our friend.

Thank you,

Albert Shirley,

Former NM State Representative

McKinley County