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Coach’s Korner: How do you know?

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What is it? How do we know?

When I began my study of the Chinese martial art Wing Chun Kung Fu, a close combat style of fighting popularized by Brue Lee and his sifu (teacher) the legendary Ip Man, I struggled to keep my eyes open during live combat practice because I was afraid of getting hit.  My sifu, Kurt Saenz would say to me, “without the ability to see clearly what’s in front of you how can you evaluate if what your opponent does is real or a form of deception designed to confuse and throw you off balance.” I would later learn that combat was never truly about fighting but our ability to correctly process the information that was in front of us.  Information takes many forms, serves many purposes.

The ability to provide appropriate counter information during attack means that we can decode deception or other erroneous information that has the ability to confuse or mislead us into thinking and behaving in self-limiting ways. To act in self-limiting ways usually means that we suffer at some level in our lives, especially when it comes to health.

Let’s talk cancer.

Is it true that cancer is incurable or were we told that it was? Of course we know people don’t live forever, but what does this have to do with information suggesting that cancer is incurable or only cured through mainstream medicine?

Allow me to explain…

Have you ever heard of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, MD? In the 1920’s Dr. Royal Raymond Rife developed a machine called the frequency generator.  Briefly, a frequency generator is a machine that moves energy or adjusts the frequency in the body to produce healing through the elimination of toxicity or disease.  In 1934, under the watchful eye of the Special Medical Research Committee appointed by the University of Southern California Dr. Royal Raymond Rife successfully treated and cured 1,000 cases of “incurable” cancer. With the use of his frequency generator Dr. Rife had a total recovery rate of 100%. What Dr. Rife proved was that every disorder in the body has a frequency, which in turn responds (or resonates) to a specific (optimal) frequency for its dissolving and healing in the body.

After unsuccessful attempts to buy his research and equipment by various pharmaceutical companies Dr. Rife’s office was ransacked, his research paperwork was stolen and the frequency generator used to cure the 1,000 documented cases of “incurable” cancer was destroyed.

This column does not examine the economic motives of others, but it does highlight that through research we discover the ability to counter misinformation and deception while rediscovering paths to healing we have long forgotten.

“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.”- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Laureate in Medicine (1937)

Knowing that you read The Coach’s Korner is truly an honor, so I would ask that you research this information. Credibility is important to me, it’s important to you.

Coach G

Greg McNeil is a StrongFirst Instructor, Professional Strength & Conditioning coach, Licensed Clinical Counselor (LPCC), Life Coach, Author, and the owner of Gallup School of Strength (www.gallupschoolofstrength.com)

By Greg McNeil