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You are here: Sports Features Spring is here, and so is off-roading fun in the sun

Spring is here, and so is off-roading fun in the sun

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Spring started on Mar. 21 and in Gallup we don’t look for the first robin – it got blown away by the 60 plus mph winds – but we wait for the first event at the OHV-MX Park on Hasler Valley Road. Wait no more, that event starts April 2-3 with host Round #3 of the NM Trials Association, and a re-opening of the track.

Dave Steadman and Damian Silva have revamped the track and the crowd on Saturday and Sunday should be pleased with the changes. The Saturday practice session (see schedule below) will have a well-groomed and watered track, weather permitting.

Any riders wanting to register for the RRMS 2016 Club Membership are invited to join in the fun. Knock the cobwebs off your machines, fuel up and check the oil, and just enjoy the weekend doing what you like best. All club members will receive a $10 gift card (Race Gas Program) from Rocky Mountain ATV/MC.

A second event will take place on April 23 at “The Pit” for trash removal from this area that was the original site of MX racing in Gallup, near the intersection of Superman Canyon and White Cliffs Road. It’s now inundated with trash by illegal shooters and general riffraff.

Please pass the word around and help make a difference on Earth Day. RRMS will provide gloves, bags, food and water for all volunteers. Please dress appropriately.

During the 2015 season, RRMS sponsored four events, attracting about 3,000 spectators and entrants and spectators.

Saturday April 2

11:00 Motocross riders trials basics instruction, prep for fun-trials, try a trials bike

12:00 Lunch break (bring your own eats)

1:00 Fun trials starts, all bike types welcome, no entry fee, non-trials folks will get a coach

3:30ish Wrap up

Sunday April 3

8:00 NMTA Event Sign up, all riders, bikes, and skill levels welcome, must have AMA card and spark arrestor

9:00 Lower class trials starts

12:00 Junior class starts (come watch the little kids on a herd of electric bikes)

1:00 Upper class starts

4:30ish Awards

For more info on Red Rock Motor Sports activities, call club secretary Greg Kirk at (505) 870-7278.

By Tom Hartsock

Sun Correspondent