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Bar room brawl leads to arrest

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Andres Pinto, 31, Albuquerque was arrested after an alleged bar fight July 11. According to the police report, filed by GPD Officer Timothy Hughte, Pinto’s brother said that he had picked up his brother and gone to Sports Page.

Pinto asked for the vehicle keys so that he could charge his cell phone and his brother later discovered that Pinto had taken off with his vehicle. He told police that he called his brother told him to bring his “vehicle back to the bar due to his intoxication level.”

Pinto returned to the bar where they began to argue.

The argument continued into the bar where the bouncer, Gary Hallock, 44, of Gallup got involved and asked Pinto to leave. When Pinto “made an aggressive move towards” Hallock, he put Pinto into a headlock and attempted to remove him from the bar.

Hallock told Hughte that they then fell to the floor and Pinto bit Hallock’s left upper inner arm.

“On his left upper inner arm he had a bite mark [which] was very red and blue. The skin was broken and you could see the teeth markings on the top and bottom of the bruising,” Hughte said in his report.

After that, several other patrons got involved, and Pinto was taken to the parking lot to await police arrival.

Another witness came forward and told Hughte that an unknown male also joined in the scuffle and he was swinging a belt buckle.

“The male possibly hit Mr. Hallock in the back and then started to swing back toward himself and then struck himself in the head with his own belt buckle,” Hughte said in his report.

Hughte’s report also said that he attempted to calm Pinto down upon his arrival. Pinto was handcuffed and placed into the back of Hughte’s patrol car where he laid down and began to kick the patrol unit door.

Pinto was removed until he calmed down and then was placed back into the patrol unit and secured with a seat belt.

“I looked to my patrol unit again and did not see Mr. Andres Pinto sitting up. He had laid down and proceeded to kick the patrol unit doors again. He was able to get his seat belt unlocked and laid down,” Hughte said in his report.

Pinto was finally placed into a Community Service Aide van. While being put in the van, Hughte’s report said that Pinto attempted to spit on him, but missed.

“The doors were closed and the van started to shake with Mr. Andres kicking and screaming inside,” Hughte said.

Pinto continued his disorderly behavior at the jail where he was booked for aggravated battery and resisting, evading or obstructing an officer.