
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Jan 26th

Last update04:43:06 AM GMT

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GMCS offers alternative accommodations for eclipse

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Gallup=McKinley County Schools is allowing alternative accommodations for students and parents acknowledging that they want their student(s) to participate in traditional practices involved in the upcoming eclipse on April 8.

The eclipse will begin at approximately 11:15 am and will end at approximately 1:45 pm.

Parents wishing to keep their students at home for any period of time during this day can provide a note to the school to have an excused absence.

If students come to school and students or parents/guardians express their desire to have students recognize the traditional aspects of this event then:

  • Students have the option to stay indoors during the eclipse
  • Teachers will provide alternative assignments for those students who do not wish to be outdoors
  • If possible, Staff can close the classroom window shades or cover windows
  • Arrangements can be made with food service for students wanting to eat lunch before or after the eclipse
  • Other accommodations will be made as needed
