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Weekly DWI Report

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Louis J Fambrough

March 1, 7:45 pm

Aggravated DWI (Third)

A Gallup man, Louis Fambrough, 50, stopped at a McKinley County DWI Taskforce checkpoint and was arrested and charged with his third DWI.

New Mexico State Police Officer Irvonne Bahe was with NMSP Officer Chaz Troncoso at a Taskforce Sobriety Checkpoint at mile marker 14.9 on State Highway 118. A beige Toyota SUV approached the checkpoint from the west and the officers met the driver, Fambrough.

Bahe suspected Fambrough was impaired because he reportedly showed signs of intoxication including bloodshot eyes, appearing confused as he talked, as well as smelling of alcohol.

Fambrough pulled to the side of the road at the officer’s command. He admitted consuming five unspecified alcoholic beverages about three hours prior to stopping at the checkpoint, stating he was driving back to his own home in Gallup from outside the city limits.

After stating he had a knee problem, Fambrough agreed to take alternative sobriety tests. However, he performed poorly on each test and was placed under arrest. He reportedly became uncooperative with officers before being transported to the local state police office. He agreed to the breath test, where he posted samples of .21 and .22.

Bahe then transported Fambrough to the McKinley County Adult Detention Center, where he was booked for aggravated DWI (third), expired registration, and no insurance. His pretrial hearing is scheduled for April 2.

Name: Brandon Richard Barber

Age: 25

Arrested: March 6

Charge: Aggravated DWI

Status: Pretrial hearing on April 9

Name: Marx Francy Tom

Age: 19

Arrested: March 5

Charge: Aggravated DWI

Status: Pretrial hearing on March 26

Name: Terrel Pelt

Age: 32

Arrested: March 5

Charge: DWI

Status: Pretrial hearing on April 2

Name: James Tabaaha

Age: 47

Arrested: March 2

Charge: Aggravated DWI (Second)

Status: Pretrial hearing on April 4

Name: Candace Yazzie

Age: 37

Arrested: March 2

Charge: Aggravated DWI

Status: Motion hearing on March 26

Name: Hansen Raye Burbank

Age: 41

Arrested: March 1

Charge: Aggravated DWI (Second)

Status: Pretrial hearing on March 26

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