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Family’s search for missing father continues a month later

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A family living near Yatahey is hoping for any help from a watchful public after making it through the holiday season without one of their own.

Jimmy “Shawn” Peterson, 57, of Yatahey, has not been seen since Nov. 19. His family, including sons, Lamar, Kendall, Steven, and Jeremy have repeatedly shared flyers across Gallup and with local law enforcement to help find Jimmy Peterson and bring him home.

However, despite the ongoing efforts, Lamar Peterson said there have been no updates from anyone as of Jan. 5.



Jimmy Peterson was last seen walking from Yatahey toward Gallup on Nov. 19. The last person to see him was Lamar Peterson’s nali, as he told the Sun.

“The last time I saw him in person was Halloween day [Oct. 31],” Lamar Peterson said. “It was at his residence in Yatahey where I spoke with him briefly.”

The conversation had not been a pleasant one due to some personal circumstances, Lamar Peterson said. He added his father lived in Yatahey with his stepsister and his nali, Jimmy Peterson Sr.

“The last I heard from him, he was taking care of [my nali],” Lamar Peterson added.

The rest of the family stated Jimmy Peterson mostly stayed at his home in Yatahey and was also taking care of the stepsister, who also had children of her own to whom he was attached.

Jimmy Peterson told the others at the residence he was going to walk to T&R Market and then to Gallup on Nov. 19, the last time he was seen by any of them.



Despite being missing since November, the family was not informed of Jimmy Peterson’s disappearance until Dec. 12. A missing persons report was then filed on Dec. 13.

“We have spoken to the McKinley County Sheriff’s Office, Navajo Nation Police, Gallup Police Department, Gallup FBI, and the BIA law enforcement,” Lamar Peterson said. “We have posted flyers all across Gallup and we also post about it on Facebook.”

He added each member of the family carries posters with them when they travel to Gallup and have passed out more than 500 to date.

Lamar Peterson requested the names of his brothers be shared, stating that each of them along with their children want to see Jimmy Peterson returned home safely.

If you have any information regarding this case, please contact the McKinley County Sheriff’s Office at (505) 863-1410.

By Cody Begaye
Contributing Editor
