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Tuesday, Feb 18th

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You are here: Community Arts Big Brothers Big Sisters launches contest for mentors

Big Brothers Big Sisters launches contest for mentors

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Big Brothers Big Sisters Mountain Region is seeking mentors and is looking to reward one of them with a roundtrip ticket on a major airline. It's part of the organization's 60 Bigs in 60 Days recruitment campaign.

Managing Regional Director Sarah Piano said in her media announcement that this is part of a recruitment campaign designed to sign up mentors before July 31. She added that mentoring relationships are important to youngsters who have been socially isolated by the pandemic over the past year.

Big Brothers Big Sisters Mountain Region has 175 children waiting to be paired with a volunteer mentor, referred to as a "Big," to help them achieve their full potential.

Piano said children, referred to as "Littles," matched with a Big Brother or Sister have been proven to be more confident, more academically effective, and more socially successful than those who are alone.

Bigs must be at least 18 years old. They are asked to spend four to six hours monthly with their Little match and must commit to meet together for one year. They will also be required to undergo an interview, a background check, and complete an application.

Matches play outdoors, visit museums, read together, and spend one-to-one time with each other.

Between now and July 31, Big Brothers Big Sisters will offer the chance to win a roundtrip airline ticket to new Bigs, or current Bigs who refer a friend.

The drawing for the winner will take place Aug. 6.

For more information you can call (505) 726-4285.