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Recognizing Indigenous People’s Day 2017

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Without elaborating on the systematic genocide, the vicious cycle of homelessness and alcoholism and the undue suffering of our native people and the loss of our land since 1492, the countless termination of Indigenous Peoples lives, the rape of our women and the enslavement of everyone else still alive and the exploitation of our cultures, it is our desire to allow healing to take place, to honor our ancestors, to educate the world, to establish our rightful place in history and to demonstrate and teach our children—to the Seventh Generation—what equality, diversity and inclusion is all about.

The man who was lost and about to thrown overboard by his crew in 1492 (Chrisobal Colon) is not acknowledged by the Indigenous People of the Americas and throughout the world.  Here in Gallup (NM) we intend to join others world-wide in the recognition of the correct history and celebrate “Indigenous Peoples Day 2017”; with an official Proclamation from the City of Gallup we are a part of this recognition and celebrate with honor and dignity.

A heartfelt “Thank you” to the City of Gallup, Mayor Jackie McKinney and the CityCouncilors (Linda Garcia, Fran Palochak, Allen Landavazo and Yogash Kumar) for their support with last year’s Resolution R2016-40, declaring the Second Monday of October as “Indigenous Peoples Day” into perpetuity.  This is actually “historic” because very past city council had the chance to do the same official action but refused to do so.

Gallup Mayor Jackie McKinney stated at the September 26, 2017 Gallup City Council meeting that the Proclamation will be placed on display in City Hall.  I am hoping this will also be in perpetuity as well.  In this manner, Indigenous People everywhere will be honored.

With that I once again extend my invitation not only to the Gallup City Council but also to the McKinley County Commission, the Navajo Nation Council, the State representatives and Senators and everyone else near and far to stand with The People in our celebration of “Indigenous Peoples Day 2017” on Monday, October 09, 2017 from 12:00 to 5:00 pm at the Gallup Cultural Center located at 201 East Historic Highway 66.  Bring your signs, banners, posters and prayers.

After the Celebration (at 5:00 PM) there will be a short march to the McKinley County Court House Square located between Second and Third Streets on Aztec Avenue in the down town area.

Mervyn Tilden

Gallup, New Mexico