
Gallup Sun

Tuesday, Oct 08th

Last update01:01:19 AM GMT

You are here: Opinions Letters to the Editor Letter to the Editor: Put a gag on President Trump

Letter to the Editor: Put a gag on President Trump

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President Trump needs to be gagged.

And apparently all we have left to do it is the public pressure and Congressional approbation to get the job done.

In the old Vaudeville days when an actor was bad they used a hook to pull him off the stage. We can’t do that with President Trump, but we need to.  He is antagonizing the nutcase in North Korea.

We don’t need another foreign conflict.

We have been in Afghanistan for 16 years and can’t seem to pull out. We never should have invaded Iraq. Saddam Hussein was killing 350 people a year.  Since our intervention a half million Iraqis’ have died. President Obama said that Assad in Syria should go.

Now half of Syria is in Europe and at America’s door.

Stop this nonsense. We don’t need a war in the Far East. We have plenty to do in this country without trying to run the world.

Michael Daly

Gallup, N.M.