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Students from GMCS elementary school visit President Nygren

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Over 40 third grade students from Catherine A. Miller Elementary School traveled to Window Rock, Arizona on May 22 to visit with Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren and learn about the Executive Branch.

The students worked on a project at school to learn about the Navajo Nation President and Vice President, government, and the various sights in the heat of the Navajo Nation.

The day-long field trip included touring the Navajo Nation Museum, Library, Zoo and lastly the Office of the President and Vice President.

The inquisitive and joyous students were in awe of the President as they assured him, they knew who he was, with all the students chanting “Buu Nygren, Buu Nygren” with their loud and proud voices echoing through the halls bringing smiles to office staff, teachers, and students.

The President passed out pictures and autographed them, along with buttons, stickers, and even signing water bottles and other items the students wanted him to autograph.

“Ahéheé to the staff and students for bringing such joy to the office today,” Nygren said. “It is heartwarming for me to hear such little ones today, our future leaders tomorrow speak loud and proud in Diné Bizaad. It is important we share and teach our language and help those who want to learn. I am proud of all of you. Thank you to the teachers and staff for your efforts and nurturing our future.”

Staff Reports
