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Thursday, Jul 18th

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Letter to the Editor: We’ve been hearing doomsday climate predictions for 50 years

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Dear Editor,

Where did this global warming madness start? We live in the most energy impoverished region in the nation yet power plants are being shut down?! Insane EV mandates?! Here is the hidden history which conflicts with the current dogma. The Marxian left avoids this embarrassing reality like a red MAGA hat.

SAVE THE CAMELS?? Did you know it wasn’t global warming that generated our $5 trillion climate crisis industry? Nope, the opposite.

An early 1970s Brown University letter to President Richard Nixon from two geologists/ greenhorn climatologists warned of global cooling, an impending ice age, and glacial temperatures in one century bringing “substantially lowered food production and increased extreme weather anomalies.” Brrr!

The short letter concluded; “With the efficient help of the world leaders, the research could be effectively organized and could possibly find the answers to the menace. We hope that your administration will take decisive steps in this direction” i.e. don’t forget us bumpkins in the boondocks when you divvy up the gold (wink wink).

That December 1972 letter was the trigger to a motherlode of events funding massive government intervention in, of all things, controlling the global climate. This cost would not be bottom shelf and the federal swamp became the Klondike Climate Crisis Trail for striking gold.

From the White House the letter was assigned to the Bureau of International Scientific and Technological Affairs of the State Department who then circulated it to the Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences for “review and appropriate action” who then established an ad hoc panel of various competing agencies in early 1973 after which the National Science Foundation took the lead forming a Climate Dynamics Group in 1974. A Climate Diagnostics Center was ultimately authorized in 1977 by the National Climate Program Act, followed by a Climate Analysis Center in 1979. The climate crisis gold rush was in full stampede mode.

And so it was that the greatest government shakedown in global history began. By 2016 insurance companies valued the climate crisis industry at $1.5 trillion (likely $5 trillion by 2024). With no end in sight, the climate gold rush still fills the coffers of the global elite at the expense of the global impoverished, including right here on the Navajo Nation. It is hidden history in a literal sense, conflicting with prevailing orthodoxy and so seldom mentioned.


The global cooling trend lasted from 1940 to 1980. It wasn’t until 1977 that a “greenhouse effect” memo to President Jimmy Carter from his science advisor flipped the fool’s gold cooling narrative to global climatic “warming.” Save the polar bears! There were no objections from the executive stampeders in DC.

After the 300-year global warming trend returned in the 1980s we still haven’t seen an “acceleration” in warming since the moribund Little Ice Age bottomed out circa 1700, nor have we reached temps seen during the prosperous Roman and Medieval warming periods according to radiometric, ice core, tree ring, pollen grain, coral skeleton, fossil, and lake/ocean sediment data, as well as historical records such as frozen rivers.

Yet those events are hidden history by the devious prospectors deeply invested in the runaway warming narrative. I would bet most readers have nary a clue of the consensus 1970s global cooling scare.

Brown University’s George Kukla, the cheechako climatologist who pioneered the climate crisis gold rush, never received the fame and fortune bogarted by the claim-jumping federal bureaucrats and died in 2014 believing Earth’s recent warming is mostly natural and will ultimately lead to a new ice age.


In the 2000s the Klondike DC Climate Trail for riches detoured to China where the CCP have cashed in big time. The “renewable” energies of wind and solar have become the new motherlode along with EV batteries.

While the U.S. shuts down fossil fuel power plants and becomes more and more dependent on China for energy, the Chinese climate prospectors mine, process, and manufacture massive amounts of toxic non-recyclable technology metals at a tremendous cost to the environment. They do this while constructing hundreds of coal power plants in China and around the world - with impunity. Ka-ching!


Now, 51 years after the pivotal letter of alarm, EM-DAT international disaster database reveals the continued massive decline in global climate death rate over the past 100 years. NASA satellite data shows a 15% increase in global greening since 1980.  NOAA data still exhibits only one decade with abnormally extreme temperatures; the 1930s.

UNFAO crop yields continue to rise. The World Poverty Index continues to decline. With cold weather normally killing 20 times as many people as hot weather globally, there is now a strong trend for declining cold deaths.

Meanwhile, as we await a global climate crisis after 50 years of failed doomsday predictions and fossil fuel power plants are shut down by Marxian alarmists, thousands of impoverished households in McKinley County and the Navajo Nation are denied access to electricity by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s Energy Transition Act.

As a result, our children and elderly choke on fumes from the renewable energy of wood-burning stoves (Joseph E Bunnell et al 2010). Their respiratory ailments fill our hospitals throughout the winter. This does not seem to concern our modern-day 49ers of elected Democrat officials, UNM eggheads, nor Gallup’s mainstream news media who cash in on the gold rush claim-jumping with even more absurd claims howled from the warm and cozy confines of their ivory towers.

These elitist anti-fossil fuel alarmists and tinhorn politicians would have us believe that our sacrifice and suffering is for the “common good” of the planet, despite the existing global agricultural abundance, thriving polar bears, flourishing coral reefs, and delightful weather.

Sadly, there’s still more climate crisis gold in them thar hills for the morally bankrupt.


Joe Schaller

Gallup citizen