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Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF JULY 2

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Happy Independence Day! As we enjoy barbeque, watermelon, and ice tea remember to show appreciation and thanks. Kindness is not a novelty. It’s available to all of us every day of our lives. Madame G recommends that you feel brave enough to speak your mind and fight for what is right, while showing compassion. We can be both loving and fierce like a momma Grizzly.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

It’s hot out there and you’re feeling the heat. Don’t let it get you down. Life is all about ebb and flow. You can’t expect to be “on” all the time. Sometimes you’re going to have a very off day. Other days you’ll rock the world and create something new. Either way, it’s a new...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF JUNE 25

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On June 28, enjoy the benefits of the Strawberry Moon also called the Honey Moon or Full Rose Moon. In North American, the appearance of the full moon signals the time to gather strawberries. Madame G recommends that you spend some time looking for ripe fruit. There’s nothing like the smell of strawberries. When life gives you strawberries…eat them and enjoy!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Life is an adventure. You may be the prince of planning, but you’re more than capable of a little non-plan fun. Don’t confuse planning with preparation. Those are two separate issues. One is important and helps you map out a destination—it’s easy to get lost in details. Preparation allows...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF JUNE 18

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Life is a challenge. This is both a beautiful tragedy and a blessing because we are complex creatures. We are capable of profound good and evil. This is true for all human beings. On June 20, we will experience a First Quarter Moon. This period is always highlighted by crisis. Madame G recommends that you take care of yourself. Consider taking a short trip out of town.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Things are looking up! You have your hands full, but you’re rearing to go. Now is the time to take things seriously, and in stride. You’ve got it all worked out. Don’t forget to stay humble and listen to others when you can. It’s better to make friends than enemies, but remember that...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF JUNE 11

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What’s happening next? On June 13, we’ll experience the incredible planning power of the New Moon. This is an excellent time to start a new project or head in a new direction. You’ve done all the planning you need to, now is the time for action. In addition, Madame G recommends that you start preparing for the future you want. Creativity is a habit NOT a right. Get going.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’re working towards the rest of your life. You must take it slow. There is plenty of time to figure it out. If you chose one career because it interests you that’s great, but if you find that choice no longer suits you that’s okay. Life is fluid like a river not a stagnant...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF JUNE 4

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All is fair in love and war. On June 6, prepare for the Last Quarter Moon. You may have felt the effects of a rather sudden onslaught of emotions. You may feel a little beat up about it. Madame G recommends that you take stock and let go of everything holding you back. It’s never too early or too late to live the life of your dreams and be who you’ve always wanted to be. Stay strong!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Everything changes for a reason. Stop worrying about. The only time you really fail is when you no longer try. It’s better to keep yourself moving forward even if it’s only inch by inch. You have made headway and you’ve gained so much triumph. So face the day head on...

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