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Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF AUGUST 20

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The Sun enters Virgo this week on Aug. 23. You may notice the details. This is a benefit, for the “devil is in the details.” But, don’t forget to take a step back and scope the terrain. You’re also looking at an entire forest. Madame G recommends that you use common sense. Don’t get so caught up in the details that you’re putting on makeup while the house is on fire. Plan ahead!


Aries (March 21-April 19)

Ease up! You’re capable and strong. Don’t get so caught up in your screw ups that you stop looking and moving forward. The only real failure is not to try. It’s okay to get down on yourself, but only if you get up and dust yourself off. Look towards the future and...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF AUGUST 13

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On Aug. 11, prepare for a unique and exciting experience. The New Moon occurs during a Solar Eclipse. The Sun is in Leo, so you may experience confidence and joy. You may also learn to appreciate family time, creative endeavors, and how to not sweat the small stuff. Madame G encourages you to write out everything that is important and cross off the rest. You’re worth it.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Dear Aries, you’re intense and you run a little hot. That’s okay—you’re passionate. However, this passion can get ahead of you. Also, you can’t be passionate about everything all at once. It’s advisable to pick one thing that’s really important to you and work on that. When you...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF AUGUST 6

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On Aug. 4, prepare for the awesome power of the Last Quarter Moon in the Sun sign Leo. Prepare for a “crisis of conscience.” Do not fear this transformative power. Allow it to lend you strength. Now is the time to sort through what works and what doesn’t. You have the power to change your life. Madame G salutes you. We’re all in this together. God speed!


Aries (March 21-April 19)

Dear Aries, what will you do? Will you continue to wallow in self-hatred, anger, and destruction? Perhaps you should consider another path. You may always feel the pull of the destructive power of anger, but that doesn’t mean you have to give in. In the end, the only one you really hurt is...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF JULY 23

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Dear reader, enjoy a heavenly sent week. Allow this time to enter unencumbered into the world of light, with no external expectations. This will either be a time of great healing or great suffering. The choice is yours. Madame G wishes you well on your journey of life. Speaking of journey, I’ll be off next week on a dude ranch holiday. I missed last week’s edition as my crystal ball malfunctioned (just kidding, forgot to add attachment, before taking off on a gondola ride.)


Aries (March 21-April 19)

Your heart is suffering. Pain is entrenched in your spirit and chokes you, as it holds you down. You can’t decide which way is up or down. Your instincts may tell you to inflict...

Madame G guide to the starsWEEK OF JULY 9

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Enjoy a restfully out of balance Last Quarter Moon on July 6. This is a time for discomposure. Each month we are faced with the “in-between” moments between the waxing and waning moons. Madame G recommends that you sit back and enjoy the process. When you’re committed to the outcome, you lose the journey. You need both to succeed, whatever that means for you.


Aries (March 21-April 19)

Focus on yourself. You have much to gain and offer. Don’t lose yourself in the process of improvement. You’re capable of more than you think. This is the time to put thought and focus into your intentions. In order to live the life of your dreams, you must put thoughts and work into it...

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