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Madame G guide to the stars Week of MARCH 18

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Get ready Aries! On March 20, the Aries Supermoon emerges. Aries is the god of war and destruction Appreciate this powerful energy. This can be overwhelming and terrifying. Remember, fire is both destructive and creative, as it allows for new growth. Madame G recommends that you strengthen yourself by burning away the unnecessary bits. Forged in fire.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Dear Aries, your Sun sign enters the forefront, at the same time as a Supermoon. You may experience a surge of new emotions. Do not fear yourself. You’re stripping away at the non-essential, and that is necessary. You may find that you feel vulnerable. Just remember that this is not weakness with the right...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of MARCH 11

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The Sun is in Pisces until March 19, and a First Quarter Moon appears on March 14. Prepare to imagine a better future. Don’t get stuck, or caught up in details just yet. First, you must imagine the possibilities for your future. Then by taking small measured steps, you realize your reality. Madame G wishes you well on your journey. May you be more than your obstacles.  Live well.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You are pushing toward your goals like a freight train crashing through debris. Don’t get caught up in the drama. If someone is deliberately trying to derail you, take measures to stop them. Remember, you’re enough to handle any challenge. You can do so much more successfully...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of MARCH 4

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Are your dreams coming true? If they are, keep up the good work and take time to eat really good food, enjoy friends and family, and rest. If life is more of a horror story, or even worse, routine - rethink things. Brushing your teeth is a good habit, but mindlessness is not. Madame G encourages you to wake up and get woke! You only have one life to life. Give it all you’ve got!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’re enough as you are. You have everything you need. Stop comparing yourself to others—you don’t know the price they pay. The only thing you can change is yourself. Focus on what you can change. Make your goals attainable. You may have an ultimate goal, but set small enough...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of February 25

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This week practice self-compassion. Treat yourself as you wish others would treat you. You may not convince others to treat you well, but they will see that you are a friend to yourself and therefore, untouchable. Madame G wishes you well. You’re on a sacred journey and the purpose of your life is to discover what gives you the most purpose. Rest well and have some fun!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Look forward dear Aries, but stop to enjoy the fresh air. It’s difficult to live in the moment. This is why it’s important to take time every day to assess your mental and physical well-being. Remember to check in with yourself and ensure that you’re speaking your truth. If you fail to...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of February 18

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The February Full Moon is called the “Full Snow Moon” because snow often falls in February (apologies to those who are ready for spring). Another name for this Full Moon is the “Hunger Moon”. How much hunger do you experience? Madame G wishes you well on your journey. Do not be afraid to reach out and seek help, others will reach back. You are worthy.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Don’t laugh at your failures. Learn from them. It can be painful to know that you’ve done all that you can, and perhaps not done as well as you’d hoped. But, that doesn’t mean you’re not worth the effort. You may need to fix errors or fix the things that are broken. You can impart great wisdom...

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