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Madame G guide to the stars Week of MAY 13

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Enjoy a First Quarter Moon on May 11. Don’t fret the small stuff. Keep in mind that there is ebb and flow to life. At times, you’ll feel as if you’re on top of the world. At other times, you may feel as if the weight is crushing you. Madame G wishes you well and encourages you to look deep within your heart for the answers. You are enough. You are everything you need.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Dear Aries, patience is key. Don’t keep looking for answers outside of yourself. Everything you need is within you. Keep an open heart and mind and you’ll find that life gets easier. Nothing has to change for everything to get better. You’re capable of living a good life. You have a...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of MAY 6

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What’s up pussycat? Don’t let the world get you down. But, if you’re feeling blue, don’t feel pressured into wearing a fake smile. You’re as entitled to a bad day as anyone. However, if you’re moods remain consistently bad, don’t beat yourself up. You’re doing the best you can. Madame G recommends that you look after mental health, as well as physical. You’re loved!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Don’t worry be happy! It’s a great song, but it’s a little moralistic. If you don’t feel happy you don’t need to fake it. You have every right to be sad, disappointed, or angry. If these feelings last too long, you’ll miss out on all of the beautiful things around you...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of APRIL 22

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The Pink Full Moon rises on the last day that the Sun is in Aries. Be prepared to be amazed! This beautiful sight is the height of the Spring season. Enjoy the powerful energy it provides and look gratefully at your past and toward the future. You are the master of your own destiny. No one else can play a hand in your fate unless you let them. Listen to you heart and let it sing. Live free!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Dear Aries, as the Sun leaves your house take a moment to reflect back on what you’ve learned. Don’t give up! Have faith in yourself and do your best. You’re more than capable of handling everything that the world throws at you. The only one you need to fight and...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of APRIL 15

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On April 12, the First Quarter Moon emerges and the Aries Sun brings forth strong confident energy. Enjoy this transition out of the ordinary and allow the creative force to rise up and through you. Now is the time to plant the seeds that will bloom later and bring you joy. This is a triumphant time. Madame G wishes you well and hopes that you learn whatever lessons are needed.


Aries (March 21-April 19)

Don’t despair dear Aries, this too shall pass. Forward seeking energy is wonderful. But, at times you must slow down, focus on what needs changing, and reshape your possibilities. Don’t give up. You’re almost there. You may find anything you seek, if you take the time to look...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of APRIL 1

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Enjoy a Last Quarter Moon on March 28. The end of a period is as important as the beginning. Most people notice a Full Moon and neglect to look outside at any other time. Madame G suggests that you breathe into the feeling and notice your surroundings. Don’t place shame or guilt on yourself. Instead notice yourself experiencing what is good in this world.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’re a perfectionist. It may not always seem like it, especially if you have a messy room or don’t have perfect scores. But, perfectionism takes many forms. Sometimes, perfectionism can lead to non-action. The reason for this is that your ideal for how it’s supposed to be interferes with your...

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