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Madame G guide to the stars Week of JUNE 24

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Madame recommends that you sit down and write out all the wonderful things you’d like to do this summer. Reevaluate your life. What do you want to change? What do you want to keep? Expand your mind. Give in to your dreams and don’t censor yourself.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Sometimes it’s tough to be the best. You may have high demands for yourself and your loved ones. But, it’s important to stop and reflect. What are you pushing for? What do you need to accomplish in your life? If you’re feeling unbalanced and out of focus, it’s time to sit down and think about what you need in this world. Enjoy yourself. It’s a new season with new possibilities.

Taurus (April 20-May...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of JUNE 17

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Dear Reader, enjoy a heaven-sent week. Allow this time to enter unencumbered into the world of light, with no external expectations. This will either be a time of great healing or great suffering. The choice is yours. You may wish to rethink a few things. What is worth fighting for, and what is not? Madame G wishes you well on your journey of life.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Your heart is suffering. Pain is entrenched in your spirit and chokes you, as it holds you down. You can’t decide which way is up or down. Your instincts may tell you to inflict pain on others, but this does not end suffering for you. In fact, all it does is create more suffering for yourself and those around you...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of JUNE 10

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A New Mexico spring is a sight to behold. One minute birds are singing and the sun is out; the next moment, wind is ripping through your yard while hail beats down. It’s pretty unpredictable, but if you hold on you’ll experience beauty. Madame G recommends that you hang on for the wild ride of the Last Quarter Moon on June 7. You might as well smile like it’s a rollercoaster.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You have a generous heart, open mind, and outstanding physical prowess. You’re talented. But, you have a tendency to give so much you burn out. Before you implode from overwork, take a moment to appreciate what you’ve accomplished. You’re amazing! You should be proud of what...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of MAY 27

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The Sun is in Taurus and the Last Quarter Moon appears on May 26, so get ready for some stubborn winds. People born under the sign of Taurus are kind, hardworking, and often very reliable. They’re also stubborn, independent, and unyielding. This gets them into trouble. Madame G recommends that you take from the positive and adopt some flexibility. You might learn something.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’re not perfect and the world is going to disappoint you. But, that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You also don’t have to lower your standards. You can maintain a high standard of excellence for yourself and still exert the least amount of effort worrying about it. Instead, take...

Madame G guide to the stars Week of MAY 20

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May 18 is the Full Flower Moon. This full moon celebrates Spring in all its glory. So, don’t stay inside hiding from the world. Get out there and enjoy the beauty of the season. Madame G recommends that you encourage family and friends to head outside and take a hike. It’s time to barbeque and drink some iced tea. It’s never too late to have a little fun. GO!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’re intense, Aries, there is no doubt about that. You have incredible qualities, but sometimes that intensity can be overwhelming. Be you and dial it back just a little. To do this, consider going for a long run and doing all the healthy things that you sometimes ignore. Once you’ve burned...

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