
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Jun 30th

Last update02:08:35 PM GMT

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Helping Each Other as Necessary

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One of the first lessons learned in the military is that no matter how strong you are, everyone must be able and willing to help each other to be fully successful, regardless of the mission. It is a primary lesson, taught in the morning runs, and encouraged at almost every step of the trainee process. You are only as good as the weakest link in your chain; necessity demands help to operate at a maximum level.

Veterans Helping Veterans believes this philosophy, totally.

Started some 15 years ago by several young (a relative term) veterans who were dissatisfied with help they needed from the Veterans Administration, they formed a weekly coffee get-together to discuss options and to...

Schaller's Politically Incorrect Lexicon: A Navigation Guide To The PC Cultures of Mckinley County NM (and planet earth )

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Continued from last week

CHAPTER TWELVE: I DON’T CATCH THE SUSTAINABILITY OF YOUR DRIFT PARDNER – Part Three, You Can Position Those Solar Mandates Where the Sun Don’t Shine

FRACKING: Hydraulic fracturing, a drilling technique for natural gas used since the 1940s. Modern technology allows the prospect of US energy independence with low oil and gas prices. Fracking is the trigger for our reduced CO2 emissions. Lack of it is responsible for renewable Europe’s increase in emissions.

SOLAR AND FRACKING WATER USAGE PERSPECTIVE: You may have heard of California’s annual 70 million gallons water usage for fracking however you likely haven’t heard of the typical annual water usage...

Getting the numbers right: Thousands of New Mexican veterans wait for treatment of PTSD

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Having a little disagreement with Regional Office Congressional Liaison about demographic number of Veterans in our State. Being told my statistics are in accurate or hypothetical but now the 2015 numbers are out and varies a little from 2014 but that is because we lost several in 2014 and I know we lost more in 2015.

We still have 172,595 Veterans in our state and 106,485 are 65 or older. 2014 showed only 77,000 so census numbers must not have counted all those on the reservation.

Another state site says we have 171,528 so we have about a thousand difference but the point is we have 106,485 Veterans age 65 or older. Of that number we have 56,900 Vietnam Vets, World War II 5,300...

Schaller's Politically Incorrect Lexicon: A Navigation Guide To The PC Cultures of Mckinley County NM (and planet earth )

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CHAPTER TWELVE: I DON’T CATCH THE SUSTAINABILITY OF YOUR DRIFT PARDNER – Part Three, You Can Position Those Solar Mandates Where the Sun Don’t Shine

FOSSIL FUELS MORALITY: There is a powerful historical link between increased fossil-fuel use and rising living standards, increased life expectancy, decreased infant and child mortality, and so forth, as well as drastic drops in climate-related misfortunes, including deaths from droughts and storms, with no cessation of those benefits through 2015.

GERMANY’S COAL RENAISSANCE: Failed green energy programs in Germany have resulted in subsidy cuts with the consequence of skyrocketing electricity bills and the inevitable return to...

IF ONLY ‘ENVIRONMENTAL ENDEAVORS’ MEANT ‘LOWER UTILITY BILLS’ - a lesson in bureaucratic politically correct euphemisms.

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Are you aware of the four percent ‘environmental surcharge’ on your monthly Gallup residential utilities bill? That’s about $5 a month for most households. Words like surcharge and fee are simply euphemisms for taxes. The purpose of this environmental tax is apparently to fund ‘environmental endeavors’, or in other words a slush fund for ‘whatever pet project we wish to finance’. The environmental surcharge fund currently holds more than $14 million.

The term ‘environmental’ is so vague to interpret it’s no wonder the tax revenue can be construed as a slush fund. Here in a country ranked in the top six percent in the world for clean air, my own environmental...

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