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Hospitality disrupter eyed for state, local revenue

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AirBnb is not just another billion-dollar Silicon Valley start-up, although with a market value estimated at $30 billion, the company certainly qualifies. No, AirBnB is a disrupter, a company that has caused a fundamental change in the hospitality industry. And like any change, this one has produced winners and losers.

The winners include almost 3,500 people across New Mexico who have turned their spare bedrooms — and second homes — into a source of income. In Santa Fe, for example, there are nearly 1,000 people renting space. In Angel Fire, the average rental is more than $350 per night.

The losers include the tax coffers of the state and local governments that collect a...

Report: NM’s TANF program in need of more comprehensive approach

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Nothing spent on education and job training; benefits like child care assistance not well coordinated

ALBUQUERQUE—New Mexico’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program—what was formerly known as ‘welfare’—could do a much better job of helping families find educational pathways out of poverty. No TANF money is spent on education and training services that help parents gain credentials and secure family-sustaining employment. And while a significant percentage of TANF funding is used to pay for services like child care assistance and NM Pre-K, too few families with young children who receive TANF benefits are able to take advantage of these programs.

That is...

Looking ahead to 2017

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Today is Dec. 16 and there are about two weeks or so left in 2016. Boy how time flies!

As 2016 draws to a close, let’s reflect on the year we are about to leave behind: Did you have goals? Did you reach or surpass those goals?

If you didn’t reach your goals, the bright side of the situation is that there is still some time left to achieve them, so don’t give up.

Many changes are ahead for us as a country. There is a new president and a new vice-president of the United States. No one knows where the newness of everything will take us, but of course we hope and pray for the best.

There will be a new county official in office come January with Bill Lee, president of the...

Tax on out-of-state business purchases aims to keep New Mexico competitive

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Lots of New Mexico business owners don’t realize they’re required to pay a “compensating tax” for business-related purchases they make on the internet or in a state that doesn’t charge sales tax.

Some know they’re supposed to but they ignore it, assuming the state will never discover the nonpayment.

Most of the time, that’s a safe assumption because the state can’t monitor everything a business does. But it’s risky, nevertheless, because an audit could uncover the nonpayment and this discovery could result in a hefty fine — especially if the business acquires much of its raw materials from out of state, depriving New Mexico of significant tax revenue.


Republican Party of New Mexico State Central Committee elect new chairman, state party officers.

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ALBUQUERQUE – Ryan Cangiolosi was elected State Chairman, Rick Lopez was elected First Vice Chair and Phil Archuletta was reelected. Second Vice Chair. Cecelia C De Baca was elected First Congressional District Vice Chair, Andrea Moore was elected Second Congressional District Vice Chair, and Sherry Morrison was elected Third Congressional District Vice Chair.

Bernadette Granger was elected Secretary, and Deniece Cornett was elected Treasurer.

“I’m honored to have been elected Chairman of the Republican Party of New Mexico,  and would like thank Debbie Maestas for her dedication and unwavering commitment to the party,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Ryan...

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