
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Jun 30th

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Senate votes to appropriate funds to financially-strapped NM courts

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SANTA FE – The Senate voted Jan. 25 to appropriate funding needed to prevent judicial court closures and to ensure that New Mexico court system can meet its constitutional obligations.

The appropriation contained in SB 176  helps alleviate the financial strains felt by the state’s judicial system by appropriating money essential for the operation of the New Mexico Supreme Court, Second Judicial District Court, and the Twelfth Judicial District Court. Already the Second Judicial District Court, the state’s largest district, has implemented abbreviated services because of the financial crisis.

“The justice system that New Mexico families rely on to keep them safe and ensure...

Heinrich not pleased with Trump’s interrogation policies

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WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, issued the following statement Jan. 25, regarding media reports that the Trump Administration is considering an executive order to reinstate the CIA detention and interrogation program:

“Any attempt to roll back prohibitions against torture is out of step with American principles and ruins our global credibility on human rights.

“The CIA’s use of ‘black sites’ and ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’ resulted in a dark chapter in our history, and was filled with gross violations of human rights. As the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Torture Report proved, these...

Investment in knowledge can pay early dividends

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Before putting money into a new venture, savvy entrepreneurs make another kind of investment: the dedication of time for market intelligence. They learn everything possible about the market they wish to enter, who’s succeeding or failing in it and what alternative products or services are currently filling the need the entrepreneur aims to meet.

Market intelligence helps predict demand for a product and can lead to changes in the proposed offering or result in a pivot to another market sector. It can also cause an entrepreneur to abandon an idea, thereby saving money that would be lost on a venture doomed for failure.


General questions can be easily answered, and...

Diocese found ‘in full compliance’ with national safe environment guidelines

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An extensive audit conducted in December 2016 has found the Diocese of Gallup to be in full compliance with national guidelines for preventing abuse and maintaining a safe environment.

When the extent of sexual abuse cases and allegations came to public attention in 2002, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) met in an unprecedented conference in Dallas TX. The result was the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, a set of procedures and guidelines for spotting and preventing abuse in all dioceses in the United States.

To ensure that the requirements – or “norms” – of the Charter are followed, the USCCB partnered with outside investigation...

New Year’s Resolutions

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It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone. With a new year, comes New Year’s resolutions, that sometimes long list of goals that we’d like to accomplish in the new year.

Goals may come in the form of verbal lists, written lists – or simply mental notes. When thinking about New Year’s resolutions, it’s easy to get caught up in hopeful desires, which seem to come with good intentions, but may not be realistic.

It is important to keep goals realistic, attainable and in perspective. Otherwise, after the initial celebration fades, reality sets in and being able to accomplish your goals may seem overwhelming.

No matter what habits you have developed, there are ways...

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