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Successful elevator pitches are part prep, part improv

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Whether it’s made on an elevator or on the ground floor, the 30- to 60-second business pitch that’s named for the place it’s often made should sound unrehearsed and authentic even if it’s the product of exhaustive thought and preparation — which it should be.

The “elevator pitch” is a concise summary of a product, service or idea that is so intriguing or compelling that the listener wants to hear more. It’s the hook that catches the attention of the potential investor, client or collaborator.

Too often, these proposals sound contrived or desperate, crammed with so much data or drama that the intended recipient can’t digest it all in the allotted time and consequently...

Remembering April 4, 1968

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At age 39, the late slain civil rights leader, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., still wasn’t finished. There was a moral and social agenda to push and he felt he was the person most appropriate to do it.

According to books written by former people who knew King, there was never a hesitation in King’s mind about stopping the impetus for change, whether in the world or with those around him. And decades after an assassin’s bullet took King’s life in Memphis, April 4, is still remembered as an important day.

Those who knew King say he was a gentle-minded person, hard to anger, but he possessed a determination to push for social change and justice. While he could have...

Standing Rock Sioux applauds BNP Paribas’ decision to divest from DAPL

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CANNON BALL, N.D.—The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is pleased to announce BNP Paribas has sold its shares in the loan to the Dakota Access Pipeline. Representatives from the bank contacted the Tribe to share the news on Wednesday, April 5, 2017.

The Tribe commends the bank’s decision, which sends a strong message about the need for banks to respect Free, Prior and Informed Consent in their lending practices. BNP Paribas is the third bank in the DAPL loan consortium to divest, following similar actions by DNB and ING.

“As corporate greed continues to fuel dirty energy projects on our land, it is heartening to see that some banks recognize the imminent harm to our people posed by...

Smart startup: Know the rules

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Starting a business in New Mexico involves securing a tax reporting number and federal income tax ID. Beyond those basics, some business owners need special permits to serve food or alcohol or to operate in industries that are subject to heightened regulation.

The business owner is responsible for knowing what permissions are required.


Most New Mexico businesses pay gross receipts, compensating and withholding taxes, which means they need to obtain a Combined Reporting System (CRS) number from the Taxation and Revenue Department. Businesses use this number to report and pay the state, county and local taxes they collect on behalf of multiple taxing authorities.

To pay...

Supplier financing leverages trusted relationships

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Vendors who supply products to retailers don’t always have the capital needed to fill a large order. If the vendor can’t get the money — or can’t spend all its capital delivering a big order it has to wait 90 days to be paid for — it misses a chance to increase its profits and expand demand.

This is a common situation for many startups and small businesses that can’t borrow from traditional banks or even nonprofit community development loan institutions because the business principals have no track record, uneven credit histories, scant collateral or unclear citizenship status.

Some commercial lenders serve this market by offering invoice factoring, purchase order...

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