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Majority of Benefits of Trump Tax Plan Would Go to NM’s Highest-Income Earners

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ALBUQUERQUE —The tax plan just released by the Trump Administration would largely benefit those who earn the most money, with 80 percent of the tax cut going to the top 20 percent of Americans, and about two-thirds going to the richest 1 percent. In New Mexico, 72 percent of the tax cuts would go to the top 20 percent of the state’s taxpayers. These are taxpayers earning $98,400 and up. In addition, the proposed tax cuts would impact how much tax revenue New Mexico collects, further reducing the amount of money the state has to invest in education, health care, and public safety. These are among the findings in a report released today by the Washington, D.C.-based Institute on...

Annual review yields stronger JTIP program

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The Job Training Incentive Program, the economic development tool better known as JTIP, is responsible for creating 10,000 New Mexico jobs since 2011, according to the New Mexico Economic Development Department (EDD).

Since 1972, JTIP has been providing incentives for qualifying employers who are expanding or relocating in the state. Incentives include money for on-the-job training for up to six months and reimbursement of up to 75 percent of an approved employee’s wages and training costs at an approved New Mexico public education institution.

“It’s a strong tool in place, and we will continue to use it to make positive changes,” said EDD communications director Benjamin...

The Fire Down Below

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There are some truths that are difficult to hear because they test the heart and shake the very foundation upon which our lives are built.

The doctor does not heal the patient. Patients heal themselves. What? Patients heal themselves.

Let me provide an example.  When a person goes to urgent care or the emergency room with a 104 degree temperature, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, persistent cough or stuffy nose the doctor most likely gives a diagnosis of the flu. The prescription given by the doctor will mostly be composed of antibiotics, pain killers (if needed) and probably a cough suppressant.  Antibiotics, pain killers and cough suppressants don’t cure the flu, but they treat...

Landscape business puts down roots with help from Accion

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Before Oscar Apodaca talked to Accion, his Santa Fe tree service business was struggling like so many entrepreneurial enterprises that lack access to capital.

Oscar and his wife, Charito, started their full-service landscape business on Rufina Street in 2008 after Oscar left his job at a local nursery. Their dream was to turn his landscaping gigs into a full-time business with a permanent home rather than running the venture from a roadside trailer.

A few years later, Oscar’s Tree Service was renting a storefront and expanding the retail arm of their landscape service. When the Rufina Street property was offered for sale in 2016, the Sinaloa, Mexico natives jumped at the chance to...

Arizona, NM Catholic Bishops’ statement on DACA

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In light of increased tensions and speculation over the future of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program, the Catholic Bishops of Arizona and New Mexico want to reiterate our strong and unwavering support for DACA youth so they do not have to live in fear of deportation. These young people entered our country as children and should have the opportunity to remain in our country to be educated here and to have opportunities to exercise their gifts for the enhancement of our nation.

Presently, DACA protects nearly 800,000 of these young people, while allowing them to live and work in our country without fear of deportation. Through DACA they have furthered their education...

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