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Farmington manufacturer seeks quality-management goal with help from MEP

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Brothers Kyle and Jim Rhodes have big ambitions for the family business they’ve owned since 1970. It’s not enough that their Farmington company Process Equipment & Service Company Inc. (PESCO) has a solid reputation as a manufacturer of natural gas and oil production equipment and that the company continues to grow even as gas prices rise and fall, employing more than 300 people and serving national and international customers.

The Rhodes brothers want to earn their place among the winners of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, which Congress established in 1987 (and named for a former Commerce Department secretary) to recognize American companies with exemplary...

Heinrich: reckless GOP tax bill abandons working families

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Martin Heinrich, United States Senator for New Mexico

U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich, D-NM, issued the following statement on Dec. 20 after voting against the Republican tax bill in the Senate:

“Today Republicans have made it clear where their priorities stand. They’ve abandoned working American families while recklessly blowing up the deficit in order to reward their wealthy friends and corporations with a tax cut that they do not need. When this legislation is fully implemented, millions of middle-class families will face a tax increase.

“Republicans talked and talked about simplicity. But with all the loopholes and giveaways for special interests, Republicans have made the tax...

The prophecy of quitting (and how we overcome it), part two

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Many writers and coaches have a tendency to focus on specific diet and exercise programs as a way to achieve excellent health. Of course I agree that proper nutrition and appropriate exercise are important. But I also believe that diet and exercise alone provide very little in the way of support for the countless individuals who struggle to maintain consistency in their lives when it comes to their health. The first mistake with health is the assumption that it begins with the body.

When you consider how many books on health, nutrition and exercise are sold every year, not to mention the books that line the shelves of our homes, it’s clear that access to information is not the...

Heinrich and Udall protest ‘reckless’ changes to net neutrality

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41 democratic senators pen letter to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai

Martin Heinrich, United States Senator for New Mexico

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senators Tom Udall, D-N.M., and Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., announced that they have joined a group of 39 Democratic senators in urging Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai to abandon his plan to repeal the agency’s net neutrality rules in favor of giving internet providers the ability to freely block or slow down consumers’ access to the internet. The senators’ letter comes ahead of a Dec. 14 vote by the FCC to dismantle net neutrality protections.

“Your plan gives a broadband provider the ability to significantly alter...

Coach’s Korner: The prophecy of quitting (and how we overcome it), part one

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When you hear the word prophecy, it is generally related to an event that is certain to happen. When the Navajo medicine man spoke on KGAK about Saros 145, the most recent 100-year solar eclipse that moved across the United States in August, he spoke of the coming events in the form of a prophecy. The prophecy of quitting is based on a similar idea, meaning that what has happened before is likely to continue happening in our lives until we take the necessary actions to change it. However, in this case I would like to restrict the prophecy of quitting or giving up to the subject of health. If I should stray into something else, I ask your apologies in advance.

Let’s start with...

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