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Special interests threaten New Mexico’s energy industry with frivolous court actions

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New Mexico’s vibrant energy sector, which helped lead the state’s economic recovery, is facing a new threat.

Despite being a critical source of jobs and providing millions of dollars of revenue for the state’s schools, the energy industry is being challenged, not only through regulation, but through little-known lawsuits funded by deep-pocketed special interest groups aimed at ending the industry altogether.

One group in particular is seeking to initiate a federal case and proceedings in all 50 states, filing lawsuits in eight of them, including Oregon, Colorado and right here in New Mexico.

Behind the activist activity is a group called Our Children’s Trust. They are...

Returning the medicine man

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In the rush to embrace our “app-driven” technological future, we have tendency to both discount and disregard the powerful teachers that have kept indigenous cultures together across the planet. When this occurs, it cuts a hole deep within the fabric of society, preventing individuals from evolving in ways that produce growth while negatively impacting the cultures that intimately connect us. We need to learn to truly appreciate the knowledge these teachers provide to the world in which we live.

In our story, this is exactly what happened to Mr. Sherron Doesn’t-change. Mr. Sherron Doesn’t-change was a gorgeous young Native American boy growing up in the heart of the twenty-first...

Udall Responds to Trump’s Heartless DACA Brinkmanship

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Tom Udall, senator for New Mexico

WASHINGTON — On Jan. 3, U.S. Senator Tom Udall, D-NM, responded to President Trump’s tweet on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and to reports that the White House is seeking to avoid discussion of DACA during a meeting with congressional leadership:

“President Trump’s continued heartlessness toward DREAMers and his political brinkmanship with their future is a stain on our country and on the office of the president. The fear and chaos in immigrant communities following the Trump administration’s DACA decision are heartbreaking problems that the president himself has caused. But once again, President Trump won’t...

The no B.S. tips for successful weight loss

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At the start of the New Year, millions of people across the United States will make weight loss a big part of their resolution. Diet books, fad exercise equipment, outrageous marketing claims and extreme weight loss practices will dominate the first three months of 2018. Around March the spark of the New Year starts to fade and gym membership begins to drop off.  This is the time people start to realize once again that when it comes to weight loss, magic doesn’t exist.

There is no magic cure for weight loss but there are proven practices that lead to successful weight loss and the ability to maintain the weight you lose. To successfully lose weight and maintain your weight loss you...

Industry’s impact on the land and peoples of the four corners

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As an indigenous individual residing on federally subsidized land, I often walk or drive the vast distance that crisscrosses the Four Corners region of Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico.

This dynamic piece of the American West has been my home in one way or another for many years. In the spring of 1970, a college friend and I hiked the colossal mesa ridge from southern Colorado to the upper ends of New Mexico. The intricate landscape had an abundance of natural vegetation, aquifer water seeping between rocks, a menagerie of animal tracks and birds’ nests, and a pristine horizon in all directions.

We were, however, not the people first to travel there as we crossed several...

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