
Gallup Sun

Saturday, Jun 29th

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Tax law doesn’t alter definitions of independent contractor

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The new tax law passed by Congress in December 2017 aims to lower taxes for everyone, but proponents cite its overwhelming benefits to businesses. Under the new law, companies — including sole proprietors and workers in the gig economy — can deduct 20 percent of their revenue from taxable income.

This provision alone could disrupt formal relationships between employers and workers, increasing the number of people who define themselves as independent contractors. But employees who wish to serve their former employers as independent contractors should know that even though tax laws have changed, the rules governing working relationships have not: Independent contractors still must...

Healthcare or CPT codes (What are you getting?)

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When we go to the hospital we do so because we need supportive healthcare, but we also need reliable and credible information, feel a sense of being cared for, and if it’s not too much to ask, an examination to help us thoroughly understand our present condition. Now let’s be clear there are excellent stewards of your health in hospitals across the country, but unfortunately there are an equal number of healthcare professionals entirely focused on meeting patient quotas, writing prescriptions and getting you out the door as quickly as possible regardless of the questions you have unanswered.

Recently a dear friend and client shared with me a frustrating experience she had at one of...

Threats to GMCS

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Feb. 23, 2018

McKinley County Community Members,

Across the United States school districts are dealing with an increase in shooting threats toward their schools since the Parkland High School tragedy. Unfortunately, GMCS has not been excluded from these threats.

We take all threats seriously no matter how the threatening information comes to us. When a shooting or bomb threat is made we immediately call law enforcement and follow their lead on the investigation. If a student is found to be the perpetrator involved in the threat we will remove that student from our school and use the extant of the law to deter their reentrance. In addition, if an adult is found to be the perpetrator...

We are not garbage!

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We are the creator’s gift and therefore sacred

Is there anything left in this world that isn’t disposable?

On Christmas Eve, Ron Toahami Jackson, photographer, artist and co-founder of Indigenous Horse Nation Protector Alliance (IHNPA), found six puppies, about 4-6 weeks old in a box at the Old Navajo Dump.

Mr. Toahami also runs Ron’s Rez Dogs Rescue. He already had as many as he could care for.  He posted on our joint page IHNPA. Knowing Ron’s situation, I offered to foster the puppies and teamed up with Four Corners Pet Alliance.

Babette Herrmann,  who is the founder of Four Corners Pet Alliance, was also fostering five tiny pups, dumped in a box on the side of the...

The empty cup, a Valentine’s Day story

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They heard the voice say, “It’s hard to fill a cup that’s already full.”

The couple could no longer hear each other. Their relationship had become one responsibility after another. A mortgage must be paid, there were meetings to attend, children must be looked after and aging parents cared for.

When was the last time they really looked at each other? He notices that she no longer has the figure she used to and the temperature of their home is now slightly above freezing inside. Do they really make love anymore, or should they call it something else like duty or obligation?

She is sad, frustrated and depressed. She has carried these feelings for so long it feels like she’s...

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