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Summit aims to support, catalyze Native businesswomen

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New Mexico is home to a large Native American population, but business opportunities for Native women can be elusive. The Native Women’s Business Summit — scheduled for April 13-14 at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, 2401 12th Street NW in Albuquerque — aims to change that.

Summit co-founders Vanessa Roanhorse and Stephine Poston want to increase the number of businesses owned by Native women. They believe that by harnessing the strength and support of Native women already in business, others can be encouraged to create their futures through businesses ownership.

The summit is a forum where Native women can network and learn from each other, said Roanhorse. “A lot of...

Northern New Mexicans urged to challenge BLM Utah monuments plans

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National Monuments belong to all Americans. And, if the Trump administration’s plans to illegally slash two national monuments in Utah go unchallenged, then no public lands are safe, and especially those in New Mexico. April 11 and April 13—after just four public meetings in rural Utah held late last month—mark the last days for public comment on fast-tracked management plans for Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments, respectively. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is rushing forward with this land-planning process despite the support of millions of Americans—including New Mexicans—to keep national monuments intact, and in defiance of lawsuits filed by 30...

Workshop points small businesses toward government contracts

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The federal government is the world’s biggest customer and a major driver in New Mexico’s economy.

While only a fraction of the $8.2 billion that Uncle Sam spent in New Mexico in fiscal year 2017 benefitted local companies, advisers at the state’s four Procurement Technical Assistance Centers work to increase the flow of federal dollars to small businesses that offer products or services the government wants.

To that end, the Clovis PTAC is hosting a workshop March 20 at Clovis Community College for entrepreneurs who want to learn more about becoming a government contractor.

“The workshop is to educate business owners on how to do business with Cannon Air Force Base and other...

Business incubation: A model that works

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The Santa Fe Business Incubator (SFBI) has plenty to show for its 20 years of existence: More than 145 companies have taken flight from the ever-expanding facility at 3900 Paseo del Sol in Santa Fe, and 1,000 new jobs have been created, 49 of them in the last fiscal year.

Paying attention to the business climate and adapting to opportunities explain SFBI’s longevity, according to president and CEO Marie Longserre. SFBI is “an environment that celebrates entrepreneurship, relationships and connections,” she said. “We reduce barriers and create networks.”

Community support, reliable funding sources and collaborative partnerships with economic development organizations sustain...

Secretariat: The horse that built a community

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Secretariat is considered the greatest racehorse in American history. In his book, author Lawrence Scanlan called Secretariat The Horse God Built. Indeed, if you haven’t seen Disney’s Secretariat I highly recommend this powerful and enjoyable movie.  However, as a matter of practice I tend to look for the hidden elements in stories that apply to the lives we live here in Gallup and our surrounding communities.

If you are familiar with the story of Secretariat then you’ve probably heard of his jockey, Ron Turcotte, Lucien Laurin, the famous trainer and Penny Chenery, Secretariat’s owner, but have you ever heard of Eddy Sweat? I’ll come back to Eddy Sweat in just a moment but...

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