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Creating the Downtown Experience

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A Business Improvement District is a cooperative development project among property owners within a business district. Property owners agree to pay a fee that pays for local improvements. Improvements are designed to increase the appeal and safety of the neighborhood in an attempt to increase business vitality.

The benefit of a BID program is that each business works together through a minimal combined investment to see a large public profit. Business owners pay much less than they would have on their own to get a district-wide improvement.

Improvements can be acquired through grants. This makes a BID a versatile development tool. BID programs help local businesses to prosper and even...

Knowing the Father, Living like Jesus

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During His final hours in the Upper Room before His crucifixion, Jesus shared with His disciples perhaps His most important teachings. In John 14:5-14, we find this statement: 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”

With these words, Jesus responds to the question of Thomas, asking that Jesus show them the way to where Jesus is going, to show them God the Father. Keep in mind, their world had just been turned upside down. Jesus predicted one of them would betray Jesus, and that Peter would deny Him. Jesus...

GGEDC celebrates National Economic Development Week

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This year, Economic Development Week is to run from May 7-12, 2018. The goal of Economic Development Week is to increase awareness for local programs that create jobs and increase quality of life. Economic Development Week was created by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) in commemoration of its 90-year anniversary as the largest professional membership organization for economic developers. GGEDC is a member of the IEDC. To recognize National Economic Development Week, GGEDC has arranged for a week-long series of articles on economic development written by local and state organizations involved in economic development.

Both City of Gallup and McKinley County are also...

Ants work, a short story

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When my son Johannes was between two and three years of age I would put him in our wheelbarrow and give him rides around our property at Apple Valley Ranch in Tijeras New Mexico.  One of my favorite things to do with my son was to stop and watch ants busy at work. As Johannes and I would watch the busy ant activity I would point to the ants and say “ants work.” I knew that as a two-to-three year old my son didn’t know what I was talking about but I kept up the practice until he could repeat it himself.  Over time I would explain to my son what I meant by saying ants work.

Ants are some of the smallest life forms on earth but their collective accomplishments are legendary across...

WESST workshop teaches essentials of marketing success

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Employing tactics without a strategy is like hiking into the wilderness without a map, provisions or a plan. Yet many novice and veteran business owners take this cart-before-the-horse approach when marketing their product or services, often with underwhelming results.

As a marketing consultant for the nonprofit economic development organization WESST, Mark Gilboard helps entrepreneurs reach and attract customers by first identifying why their business exists in the first place.

In May, the veteran marketing and advertising research professional leads a three-part workshop to help small-business owners develop a strategic foundation for their marketing message. “All three of the...

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