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Seven Habits of the Self-Aware Leader

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Leadership McKinley, class of 2018, shares seven must-do habits to move your leadership to the next level. Developing self-awareness and knowing your team means forging connections that count. Self-aware leaders are more effective because they foster communication and invite feedback, make efforts to inform themselves and others, synthesize ideas, and take action.

It’s TIME to become self-aware and move your leadership to the next level!

Part 2: Leading by Example, You Have NO Choice!

Contributor – Tony Major

Self-aware leaders understand that, by design and default, their example is followed, it is simply unavoidable. Leading by example is integral to what is known as...

Another Helper

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“16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, 17 even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.” John 14:16-17 (ESV)

Over the centuries since Jesus walked the earth, was crucified, buried, resurrected and ascended to Heaven, there has been much discussion about the Holy Spirit and His role in the life of the believer and the world. In John 14, Jesus shares with His disciples some of the details about the Holy Spirit.

First, the Holy Spirit is referred to as ‘… another Helper, to be with you forever.’ We should first note...

Why Gallup – Tourism’s Economic Impact Grows the Pie

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Part 1 of 2

As the tourism and Marketing Manager for the City of Gallup, an opera singer, and an import to the City from living in the North Carolina and Illinois, I am frequently asked the question “Why Gallup?” Individuals assume that Gallup has nothing to offer, nothing going on, and often the residents of the community take for granted the very things that make Gallup really special.

Gallup’s main selling point is its authenticity. Its realness. When the Gallup Real True brand launched, there was local skepticism, but to an outsider who moved here (me), it mirrored my exact sentiments about why I love it. I love Gallup for the beautiful views, the great outdoors, the candid...

More Navajo input needed at NRC, Holtec meetings

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At a scoping meeting on May 21, 2018 in Gallup (NM) hosted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on behalf of Holtec International and its proposal to bring all of the existing commercial high-level radioactive spent fuel from nuclear reactors from the East Coast to New Mexico, over 100 individuals attended.

There were 37 speakers; 36 were opposed to the transport of high-level nuclear waste through our region by Holtec, International. When an Holtec Int’l. employee tried to speak during the Public Comment session, Attendee Susan Schuurman stood up and objected to this unacceptable breach; I stood up as well in solidarity with her.

No one representing the Navajo Nation...

Seven Habits of the Self-Aware Leader

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Leadership McKinley, class of 2018, shares seven must-do habits to move your leadership to the next level. Developing self-awareness and knowing your team means forging connections that count. Self-aware leaders are more effective because they foster communication and invite feedback, make efforts to inform themselves and others, synthesize ideas, and take action.

It’s TIME to become self-aware and move your leadership to the next level!

Part 1: Listening? Yes Please! Talking? They Say Timing is Everything!

Contributor Tammi Moe

People are the ultimate variable in all human relationships. The ability to work effectively between variables is the key to communication and building...

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