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Adam David Begay, 23

PO Box Tohatchi, NM

Aug. 12, 10:53 pm

Begay was arrested after Gallup Police Department Officers were called to a automobile crash at the Shalimar. Begay was determined to be the driver, by his own admission. After failing several field sobriety tests, Begay was placed under arrest by Officer...

Senate committee to look at impacts of Animas River Spill

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The Senate Indian Affairs Committee will hold a hearing on the Gold King Mine spill that dumped waste from a mine into the Animas River.

The spill ended up impacting three states as well as the Navajo Nation.

U.S. Senators Tom Udall, D-N.M., and John McCain, R-Ariz., requested the hearing by the committee. Both sit on the committee and reached out to chairman John Barasso, R-Wyo., and ranking member Jon Tester, D-Mont., through a letter.

The letter that Udall and McCain sent to the committee leadership is available at the bottom of this post, courtesy the Udall office.

“Through our ongoing conversations with leaders of the Navajo Nation, we understand their dissatisfaction with...

UNM G enrollment dips, credit hours up

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The headcount for University of New Mexico Gallup Fall semester declined slightly from Fall 2014, with 97 less students making their way to classrooms, according to a report submitted to the Sun from Marketing & Communications Officer Marilee Petranovich.

But student credit hours rose by 1.58 percent, which equates to the amount of classroom hours a student is taking each week.

The UNMG Student Senate held a meet and greet with students and faculty the first week of school. They gave out prizes, burritos and root boot floats as a part of welcome back days.

Odor mitigation costly for Gallup

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Director gives overview of process, costs

Shortly after Fran Palochak was elected as District 4 councilor in April, she went on a tour of Gallup’s wastewater treatment plant.

Little did she know at the time, as she toured the facility, Vince Tovar, director of Gallup Water and Sanitation Department, felt a tinge of shame about the pungent odor coming from the plant that has haunted the westside for countless years.

“When you visited us, I have to admit that it was embarrassing,” he said, during the City Council meeting Aug. 11.

But things are better, for now.

Tovar and management company Severn Trent, have engaged in multiple projects to help reduce and eliminate the odor, but...

Celebrating heritage: 94th Annual Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial

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Cultural ties only grow stronger. The 94th Annual Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial celebrates the culture of indigenous groups – both local and afar – with families and friends sharing and showcasing their traditional attire, dances and customs during parades, dances and/or powwows.

The photos on this page were taken during the Ceremonial parade in downtown Gallup Aug. 8.

As for the business of the Ceremonial, the Gallup City Council waived the nearly $61,000 in fees the Ceremonial racked up for usage of Red Rock Park Aug. 5-9, and councilors vowed to get even more involved in supporting the event in the years to come when they met for their regular meeting...

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