
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Jun 30th

Last update02:08:35 PM GMT

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Navajo Nation President Begaye keeps restrictions in place for San Juan River

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WINDOW ROCK- Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye has not lifted restrictions on opening the San Juan River for irrigation purposes.

“I am furious that the USEPA has placed the Navajo Nation into this position. Our farms will not last much longer without water and our resources are depleting,” said President Begaye...

Planning for a great downtown

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Breakout groups roll out ideas

There were less in attendance Aug. 22 at the Second Street Events Center for the main portion of the Revitalizing Downtown Community Workshop, but the enthusiasm level was just as high for the more than 50 participants. This was to be the culminating day for the ideas and plans of the workshop, after all, and Charlie Deans and his consulting team had done the preliminary work very well on Friday evening.

Deans followed up on Saturday with a one-hour slide show of inspirational ideas from other communities in the state and other areas, raising the hopes of many as he spoke. He discussed a variety of topics designed for this purpose: streets, placemaking...

Weekly Crime Blotter

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Man helps police nab bike thief

Aug. 15

It’s not often that victims of theft get to recover their stolen items. But Gallup Police Department Officer Angelo Cellicion, was able to quickly recover two bikes from alleged thief Terrance Yellowhorse, 40, of Gallup, thanks to some good timing and a random informant. Steven Stines of Brighton, Colo. was staying at the Days Inn east when he noticed that his 26” Giant mountain bike and 20” Dyno customer boys BMX – worth a combined $1,400 – were stolen off the back of his vehicle. Cellicion asked the hotel manager to review video footage, which showed the theft in progress. But, it was that stranger who help fill in the...


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John Robert Emerson, 25, Gallup, NM

Aug. 9, 1:01 am

A low speed pursuit on the streets of Gallup, reaching a top speed pursuit of 40 mph – from near R&M Furniture to 1511 Gold Ave – earned Emerson a DWI and evading an officer arrest. He had stolen his girlfriend’s car and blew through a stop sign before he eventually pulled over and tried to take off on foot. What likely kept the chase at low speed was a flat tire, according to the police report. Officer Victor Rodriguez didn’t have to chase Emerson or taser him. The taser malfunctioned and a good old-fashioned tackle immediately diffused the situation.

Larro Begay, 23, Sheep Springs, NM

Aug. 12, 8:29 pm


Gallup Fire Department’s call report

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The Gallup Fire Department responded to 639 calls from July 1 through Aug. 17. The following is a breakdown of what type of calls they responded to.

More than 85 percent of their calls are listed as rescue and emergency calls, and that number breaks down to 563 calls that they responded to for emergency medical services. This volume includes motor vehicle accidents, calls for ambulances, and other medical assistance.

They responded to two dozen motor vehicle accidents without injury, 17 with injuries and seven involving pedestrians in a motor vehicle accident.

GFD responded to nine fire calls, which include one trash or rubbish fire, one mobile property fire, one passenger vehicle...

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