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Earthweek: Diary of a Changing World

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Week ending Friday, November 27, 2020

Warming Bites

Warmer temperatures may be causing blood-sucking ticks to shift their feeding preference from dogs to humans in a potentially growing threat to public health. This finding is alarming  because ticks carry and can transmit deadly Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Experiments...

Forestry Division Spring Conservation Seedling Sale set for Monday

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More than 50 species of trees and shrubs available to order online

SANTA FE— The Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department Forestry Division spring seedling sale kicks off Dec. 7. The Conservation Seedling program will have approximately 30,000 trees and shrubs available for sale on the Forestry Division website. Uses include windbreaks, erosion control, supporting wildlife habitat, watershed restoration, reclamation projects, and reforestation.

“Now is the perfect time for landowners to begin making plans for spring planting season,” Carol Bada, conservation seedling program manager said. “We have more than 50 species of seedlings available for multiple...

RMCHCS hires a new finance director

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RMCHCS has brought Samuel McDowell on as its new director of finance.

McDowell was born and raised on the East Coast of the United States, but has spent most of his working career at a variety of international postings that includes the Philippines, Micronesia, Indonesia, Sudan, Romania, Algeria and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

He most recently served as chief financial officer of a women and children’s hospital in Abu Dhabi.

McDowell has a unique hobby… flying sailplanes whenever he has the spare time.

First on the Navajo Nation

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Gallup Indian Medical Center will be the first Navajo Nation health facility to receive the  coronavirus vaccine when it arrives on Dec. 14.

Dr. Loretta Christiansen, chief medical officer of the Navajo Indian Area Health Services, told a Facebook live town hall Dec. 10 that the vaccine, which requires very cold storage would be coming to GIMC in less than a week.

Christiansen attributed the designation to the hospital’s ability to store the vaccine as instructed by the pharmaceutical company, Pfizer-BioNTech.

Waterline break

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A waterline break at Aztec and S. Ford Drive in Gallup Dec. 8 did not disrupt water service for area customers, but did create a void at the southwest corner of the intersection.

Dennis Romero, Gallup executive director of water and sanitation explained that a void is something hidden underground.

“When you have a waterline leak like this,” he told the Sun, ”the pressure creates a hole underneath. It doesn’t affect what’s above.”

Because the break did not impact service, it was determined that the line would be repaired Dec. 9.

“We can do that without affecting any customer service,” Romero said.

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